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Q: "Ooh! And I have a dare for the both of you. You both need to dress up and female Christmas costumes and visit countries throwing condoms shouting, 'MERRY F*CKMAS.'"

Gil: ......... Umm........ Why....??

Admin: *sighs* Why am I involved? I mean, I love watching Gilen suffer, but why me? 

Matt (who is quickly becoming a regular) : Don't you worry your little head, I'll get you the costumes! *skips off, humming*

Gil: Just remember, I've had to do things like this for months. *glares*

Admin: ..... true

Matt: *comes back, frilly red one-pieces in hand along with fishnet tights*

Hey guys, here's your stuff!!

Admin: I cry

Gil: Just put it on.

~Half an hour later~

Andres, talking to Aksel: I swear, I just saw a freaking ghost wearing red fly past! It threw a condom at me!

Aksel: ... Yeah, whatever man...

Gil and Peter: MERRY FUCKMAS~!

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