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Once upon a time there was a little bitch named Matt Bonnefoy. He had the same last name as his dad, Francois Bonnefoy, who was a meanie pants and smoked a lot. Matt decided he was sick of his dad and his brother, Allen (who was over-excitable and ate too much tofu), so he built a rocket ship and flew to Mars.

On Mars, he was wandering around and met an alien named Gilen Beilschmidt. Matt fell in love at first sight cuz he's a huge dork, but Gilen the alien tried to run away. Matt followed him and asked if they could hang out. Gilen agreed and they went to his alien house to play some alien games. Oddly enough, the alien games were all exactly like human Earth games.

They played Dance Dance revolution, but because Matt wasn't used to Mars gravity, he was off balance and tripped and fell into Gilen. It broke his astronaut helmet thing and he almost died because he could not breathe.

Gilen gave him the kiss of life and ran to his spaceship so that Matt could get air. Once Matt got some oxygen he thanked Gilen and asked him if he'd like to go back to Earth again. Gilen said yes and because he's an alien, he could grow accustomed to Earth air and would be able to survive without an air helmet (which i have forgotten the actual name of).

Matt got back to Earth and told his dad and annoying brother that he had a new boyfriend named Gil. Gilen did not deny this. Very romantic.

The End 

(( A/N: Um I was gonna be serious about this but :/ I didn't really feel it so here have this thing i shat out in five minutes huhuhu merry christmas))

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