i really was serious, until i wasnt and this happened

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Gil was in a tight spot. The Witch was almost upon him, and Matt was nowhere to be seen. His jewel was already dark, and he knew he had to win soon or else he'd be finished. Exhausted and probably dead. Definitely dead. No-doubt-about-it dead-in-the-ground.

Gil hadn't wanted to be a magical girl. For one thing, the skirt was ridiculous. Matt had doodled it as a joke once, and now Gil actually had to wear it. For another, he could have been doing something much more worthwhile besides fighting Witches. Like playing with Gilbird. He took a moment to stop running to reflect on his good times with Gilbird, whom he would probably never see again. He then continued running, because fuck if he got caught he wouldn't be able to reflect anymore. 

He had been forced into this position. It was probably Matt's fault, to be completely honest, and Gil cursed that blondie for the fifth time that day. He hoped he went bald, that stupid Canadian.

He turned the corner, and suddenly there was Matt, in all his splendid, frilly glory, the hair on his legs flowing in the wind underneath his red apple skirt. Gil wished he could unsee that.

Matt ran in with his bayonet and stabbed the unholy beast, getting rid of it once and for all. As he struck his pose of victory, unfortunately, he also stabbed himself and promptly died. Overcome with emotion, Gil drank some poison and also died.

For never was a story of more woe,

Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

((because yall wanted a story of gilen being a magical girl with matt. here you go you sinners))

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