OC Dates

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Q: "Would you go on a date with my OC Karin? She has cancer so I want to grant her wish. It was to go on a date with you. You are her biggest crush so it would mean a lot to her. I talked to 2p! Canada about it and he said it was okay. Please? "

Gil: Matt said it was okay...? Alright, let's see her.

Admin: Come in, Karin, sweetie!

Karin: H- hello, G- Gilen.

Gil: ... okaaaay.... Um, I'm supposed to be nice to you, so... We're going on a date? Where do you wanna go? I mean, you have two types of cancer. Shouldn't you be in the hospital?

Admin: Aw, you do care.

Gil: Shut up, Peter. So...?

Karin: I- I don't mind where we go... *smiles*

Gil: .... okay. Is a restaurant okay...? I would say an amusement park, but there's too many people...

Karin: Yes, that's fine!

Admin: You two have three hours, see you! *waves and closes door* Okay, while they're away, it's Admin time! Ask the Admin (Peter) Any questions you want~! (Please. I'm so lonely)

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