Yippee pranks with the 2p Prussias

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Q: "I have a dare for both of you!

Prank the 2P Axis and allies...

I have some business I need to settle..."

Gil: ..... What business could you have to settle with those guys...?

Viktoria: ....... You talk more than you used to.....

Gil: Things happen.

Anyway, let's go do what the lady says and GET THIS OVER WITH.

*grabs hair dye* I know what to do.

Viktoria: ...? Okay...

*both run off, Peter following with notepad in hand*

Gil: We gotta sneak into their houses and put hair dye into their shampoo bottles. Allies are bright orange and Axis are dark blue, alright?

Viktoria: ..... okay.... *grabs blue hair dye* Do we.... split up...?

Gil: *sighs* Yeah, so if one of us gets caught, the other can escape and kill someone for the other's release. 

Viktoria: ....... oh.

~2 hours later~

Lutz: *loud hysterical screaming* WHY IS MY HAIR DARK BLUE WHO DID THIS

Admin: *loud hysterical laughing* 

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