Gossip is wrong, Kids.

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Q: "What's the most ridiculous rumour spread about you?"

Gil: .............. well................ There are a few, but I have to say the rumour that I am depressed and lonely. I'm not lonely. Maybe I just don't want people around...... And I'm not depressed, just...... extremely apathetic.

Oh, and I'm not gay. *coughs*

Admin: *snorts* yeah.... Just like I'm not gay.

Ad. note// Hey, so I said how much I adore TheLonelyStoryteller last time, and now it's Nova's turn! You're amazing, thanks for all the questions, and thank you for the best RP I've ever been apart of! People, go check her out too! :3


And everyone else who has ever asked me anything, thanks! I deeply thank each and every one of you!

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