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Q: "I dare you to switch 1p Belarus' knife with a balloon animal and then act flirty towards 1p Russia."

Gil: Well, since according to the previous dare I'm supposed to be positive... Sure!!! Of course! I'd love to!!! *smiles with pain*

Admin: Here's a balloon dog, and a rose for Russia...

Gil: *sighs* Fine, here I go... I'll go to Belarus's place first, I guess...

*walks over to Belarus's house, checks t make sure she's gone, quickly replaces knives with balloon dog*

There. Now, Russia...

*walks over to Ivan's place*


Ivan: *opens* Hello? Ah, comrade! I have not seen you since last Inter-World meeting!

Gil: *under breath* Yeah, good thing, too...

Ivan: What is that you said?

Gil: Nothing. Um, hey, you look very... um... nice today. Have a rose to show my appreciation for your face. *shoves rose at him*

Ivan: ...?

Gil: Okay, well, have a swell day, Sunflower... Bye... *runs away as Belarus's scream echoes from the very ends of the Earth*

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