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Q: "Now! Gilen! Go to a bar with Matt and get drunk. Just cause you don't drink as much as your 1p! Doesn't mean you can have fun am I right! It wouldn't be all that bad if you have a drink or two am I right!" 

Gil: .... I guess.... Hey, Matt, we're going to the tavern down the street in 15 minutes, get ready...

Matt: Aite. 

~20 minutes later~

Gil: We are at the bar. Now what?

Matt: Woo! Beer!!

Gil: ... Well, okay then.

~3 hours later~

Gil: Wha--? Wha's happenin... Why's the lights so briiight

Matt: Wow, Gil, you're drunk! Let's go home and celebrate! *drags Gil back to the house, laughing*

Admin: Oh yes.

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