death ment/

106 6 18

Q: "What would you do if someone close to you died? (was murdered, or committed suicide?)"

Gilen: ......... Many people close to me have died. I've been alive for centuries. Old Fritz, for instance; He and I were very close. I wasn't over his death for a long time because after him, there wasn't anyone who could live up to his legacy. He was the best leader I'd ever had. Anyway, if someone close to me now died, I think it would be the same. I would miss them. A lot. As you may know, I'm not close to very many people. If we are close that means you're really something special. So if anyone like that died right now, there'd always be a hole in my life that used to be their special place..... Especially if they committed suicide. No one deserves to have their life taken away before their time. I would probably cope by isolating myself for a while because that's the kind of shit I am, haha.....

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