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Q: "I dare you to go on a date with Allen just to piss of Matt!"

Gil: Um..... Matt's really scary when he's angry........

Admin: *snorts*

Gil: So, um..... I, uh.......

Admin: It's a dare. Do it now.

Gil: *swallows* Uh..... *walks over to Al* ............ We're going on a date.

Al: The fuck, man? *eats tofu burger* You're goin' out with my bro. Nowaydude.

Gil: See, it didn't work.

Admin: I guess I'll just use a photo to show Matt....

Gil: What???

Ad. Note// Hello, everyone. I was too lazy to do the whole one-shot thing again, sorry... I have failed as an admin.... But thank you ever so much to the amazing cosplayers who supplied the picture! I'm sorry, I can't remember your names. Forgive me.

Keep asking stuffs~!

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