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Q: "I have a dare. Well more of a order.

I want you to tie Matt up and force him to watch Gil flirt with Allen for two hours."

Gil: I... hm.

Admin: Okay, got it. Matt's pretty willing to be apart of this whole ask thing, so he'll agree to the tying up no problem...

Matt *after a few minutes of talking to admin*: Oh, yeah, I'll just sit in that chair and you can do whatever.

Gil: God why is this guy so stupid.

Admin: We need Al now, too.

Allen: Right here, dollface!

Gil: *cringes* Doll...face...

You're looking.... very......... dashing?

Matt: *Gasps* How could you betray me like that? I trusted you...

Gil: Oh God, I knew this was a bad idea, I'm so-

Matt: Al!

Allen: Haha! I knew he could say 'dashing'! Ten bucks, little brother!

Gil: *Actually can not believe they were betting on his ability to say the word 'dashing'* What

Admin: *shrugs* That didn't go as planned, but okay.

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