Yum, cupcakes

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Q: "I dare Gil to hang out with 2p! England and eat one of his cupcakes!"

Gil: ................... why?

Admin: Don't ask questions! Just do it, Gilly!

Gil: I don't respond to that.

Admin: Whatever, Gilly. Hey, Ollie, c'mere a second!

Oliver: Yes, poppet? *grins*

Admin: You got a little blood on your cheek. Now, Gil here says he wants to hang out with you~

Oliver: Is that right! Of course I will, it will be my pleasure! *giggles* Come along, Prussia, m'boy!

Gil: Why have you forsaken me???

~Two hours later~

Hello, is this Peter?

Admin: Yes, who is this?

This is the Emergency Room, calling for Gilen Beilschmidt. He was brought in by Oliver Kirkland for foaming at the mouth and being unable to breath.

Admin: Oh. Okay. Well, thanks for calling, bye. *hangs up* And there you have it, folks.

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