The Les Miserables Challenge!

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The Les Mis Writing Challenge!


Let me introduce myself; I'm Kat! You may know me, you may not...most likely not...but that's not the point! You are here because you want a challenge: and a challenge I have got for you! I sort of came up with this bored out of my mind, thinking; what am I meant to write, how do I pour out all my emotions?! (I'm the author of 'The Night That Ends At Last' so I have A SHIT LOAD of ideas that I just can't add to the story)

You may be in the same position as I am! Here's your solution! This challenge lasts around a month (30 days) and requires of you to write a short scene everyday...YES! I know what you're thinking;

'Kat, don't be stupid, I don't have enough time to write something worthy of posting everyday-'

SHUT YOUR FACE. (ehem) You are a dedicated Les Mis fan, yes? You ARE cabable of doing this! Even if you are not a writer, but a reader, I incourage you! This is a challenge. The scenes don't have to be long or detailed, just do what you can! Challenge yourself!

Here's the rules:

1) You must obey the requirements of the challenge given.

2) Come up with the ideas YOURSELF.

3) No Pre-writing! You must write what is required ON THE DAY, and post it on that day, finished or not.

4)Just have fun okay!

"Will you join in my crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me?"

Anyways, I gotta run now, I hope you take this challenge up! I'll be doing it with you!

Au revoir!


(By the way, these are mostly based around 'Les Amis'...don't shoot me! I just have to say that I think we all mainly focus on the hot barricade men - don't try to deny it!)


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