20. Grantaire

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20. Congratulations! You've reached #20! Here is your present: you must write a scene focused mainly on Grantaire!


 "You're drunk again." His sister sighed as she let him stumble through her doorway.

"How could you tell?" Grantaire smiled at his older sibling, swaying on his feet.

"You only come to me when you're drunk," Cecile shook her head dismally, closing the door behind him and swinging her cloth over her shoulder. Her brother stank of alcohol.

"Or when it's cold."

"Or when you're really drunk."


"Please Grantaire, you need to go to you're own home." She had done a spring clean that day and was tired. She needed rest - but no, her troubled younger brother had come barring at her door like there was no tomorrow. But she had to let him in. Cecile had promised their mother that she would look out for Grantaire, so she did - even if he was a drunk. So sad, she used to think to herself, He was such a happy child. Now he was collapsed onto the couch, laughing to himself, eyes watery with this fake cloud of pleasantry. 

"Psh-" He slurred, lolling his head. Cecile crossed her arms and glanced at the clock wearily. Her husband would be back soon. "You're always here for me Cecile, my darling sister, I can count on you. Plus, you have a nice house. Nice and clean. Mine's not as nice."

"Maybe if you worked  then you could earn some money and hire a maid?" Cecile wrung her hands and sat lightly down in the chair opposite. Her brother laughed.

"Nope - my work doesn't earn me enough and besides the flat is too small. I'll never be able to afford a house such as this-" He waved a hand around dramatically. "Timothy has outdone himself, hasn't he." 

"Well, he is a lawyer." Cecile retorted, brushing back a loose black hair and tucking it into her pin.

"Mhmm." He brother gave her an amused glance. "So smart. That's why you married him." Grantaire guffawed when Cecile turned pink. "What? It's true! You used to brag about it all the time. Too bad he acts like a snob sometimes."

" 'Taire!" Cecile warned. "Don't speak like that. You're in my house, you can't talk about my husband that way."

"Well technically it doesn't count if I'm drunk, does it?"

"It does."

"Does not."

"Yes it does!"

"No it doesn't!"

"Stop this now!" Cecile grumbled. "You're being so childish." Grantaire only chuckled.

"Well, I am drunk."

"Obviously." A moment of silence passed around the room. Suddenly Grantaire swung his legs off the couch and stared at his sister intensely. "What?"

"Just wondering something." Her brother smirked, his blue eyes glimmering in the candlelight. Cecile knew this gaze; it was his mischievous gaze. She knew he was going to say something either inappropriate or annoying.

"Ask me then."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." She sighed. "Get on with it." Grantaire leaned forwards, but Cecile pushed him away. "And if it's anything vulgar, I'm kicking you out."

"Aw - Cecile! Don't be so mean!" He pushed out his lip and made puppy-dog eyes.

"That's not going to work. Just get on with it."

"Fine. I was wondering..."

"Yes -what?"

"No! No actually I shouldn't say." Grantaire giggled. 

"Say it Grantaire or I'll kick you out right now." Cecile was losing her patience. She glanced at the clock again - ten minutes and Timothy would be back.

"Okay, what I want to ask is..." Grantaire lowered his voice. In the candlelight you could see how red his cheeks were.


"I have always wondered..." He swallowed hard and smiled. "Does Timmy have a big one?" Grantaire burst out into laughter as he saw the rage break out on his sister's face. "My God, he doesn't!" He would regret asking, but for now, his head just thought it was hilarious. "Cecile I'm disappointed!" His sister herself was red in the face now.

"Out!" She screamed at him, standing and pointing at the door. "Get out, Grantaire! That was the last straw!" Grantaire looked up at her, still laughing. He stopped when he saw what he did. Cecile was really angry.

"Oh come on, Cecile. I was joking!" He tried to wave it away, but the damage was done. He had humiliated her. His senses were so weak that he didn't notice that she had grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to his feet. His sister - who only came up to his shoulder was roughly marching him to the door.

"No. That's it." Cecile stated hoarsely. It sounded like she was going to cry. "I have put up with you for so long Grantaire. I can't take it anymore." She opened the door. Rain was pouring from the black sky. Grantaire grimaced.

"Please, Cecile - "He pleaded as she shoved him outside. His black curls began to stick to his face. "Give me a chance!"

"No!" She tossed him his scarf - he couldn't remember taking it off. "I've given you so many. All you do is come into my home and complain about your life or insult Timothy. You need help Grantaire."

"Then help me!" He tried to grabb hld of her hands put she pulled away.

"It's something I can't do. Goodbye, my brother. I don't want to see you here again." Cecile turned and slammed the door in his face. Grantaire's heart tore.

"Cecile!" He shouted through the rain - his palm pressed against the cold rain. "Cecile please! I'll be good!" Grantaire - in this magnified state of distress began to cry. He was a little boy again, calling for his older sister to save him. "Please! I swear on it! I swear on my life." The door didn't budge and Grantaire began to back away from it. In the process he tripped and stumbled backwards - falling into a muddy brown puddle. Groaning he pushed himself up. He could feel the cold now; cold and wet and heartbroken. He should never had come. He should never had drank. 


Awwwww poor Grantaire. I love him to bits but he really has to stop drinking sometimes, eh? 

-Kat/Grantaire xx

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