2. Deleted Scene

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2. Write a deleted scene between your character and his/her Les Mis pairing. (If you don't have an original character then use your OTP from Les Mis)


Deleted Scene  - The Night That Ends At  Last - Chapter 5: A Heart Full of Love

(This was a little scene I was meant to put in at the end of the chapter, but seeing as it didn't really make sense I deleted it (You'll see why it doesn't if you've read TNTEAL) Now I have sort of expanded on it...)

Enjolras woke from his sleep, eyes mistry and head heavy. The bedroom was dark and gloomy, if it wasn't for the crecent moon who's light shone into the room, it would have been pitch black. What time is it? He rubbed his head, shifting his body to try and get back into a comfortable position. Enjolras buried his head into the feather stuffed pillow and sighed, eyes closing once again. 

They opened again. Enjolras sat up. Something was wrong. He was cold. He looked down and realized; Joleigh wasn't there.

"Joleigh?" He hissed through the darkness. When he didn't get an answer he sprang up out of bed, mind riddled with worry. "Joleigh?" He spoke louder, grabbing his night clothes and slipping the trousers on. He felt for the door. The main room was illuminated even more by the moonlight, casting shadows on the floor. Enjolras saw a figure outline in the middle of the room. His fiancée was standing at the window, one hand on his desk, the other on the pane. He called her name, and she turned, her opaque white nightgown twirling around her knees.

"You should be asleep." Joleigh said as he approached her.

"It was wrong without you." He replied with a smile, "What time is it?"

"The bell rang four a few moments ago. It's almost morning." She turned back to the window. The sun was going to rise any moment, the night sky was growing brighter on the horizon.

"Come back to bed."

"I'll be a minute, just thinking."  

"About what?"


"Really? I know you better than that. Enjolras touched her lightly on the arm. "Is it about tomorrow? Or something else...?" Joleigh was looking a lot paler than usual, there were black bags under her eyes and green tinges to her skin, and she was shaking. It was a very slight, unnoticable movement, but Enjolras could see it. When she avoided looking him in the eyes, he swiftly placed a hand on her forehead.

"You're burning up!" He exclaimed. Her blue eyes went wide.

"No, I'm fine Enjolras."

"You're really not. How did this happen? We were only asleep... and before...do I have it too?" Joleigh laughed tiredly, and shook her head.

"I seriously doubt it." She bit her lip and folded her arms. "I'll ask Joly about it in the morning, but right now you should go to bed. It's going to be a big day tomorrow, and you really need your sleep." Enjolras wasn't going to take that for an answer. He pulled lightly on her arms until he was able to hold both of her hands. Joleigh winced.

"Then come with me." He whispered. 

"Enjolras, I will - but in a moment-" His brow furrowed as she stammered out her words, turning green.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" His voice dropped lower with seriousness and Joleigh swallowed hard.

"It's just I-I...don't know for sure," She pulled away from him, "B-but I think-" Her hand went to her mouth. Joleigh turned paler. 

"Are you okay?" Enjolras moved to help her, but she ran from him, stumbling in the dark towards the sink. "Joleigh?" She hunched over and gagged, emptying her stomach into the basin. She coughed and spluttered, moaning. He ran to her side, pulling back her golden hair and rubbing her back as she started whimpering. "This is not fine, Joleigh." He said sacastically, trying to lighten the mood. She answered with another groan, bending over the sink once more. When she was done Enjolras, helped her balance and held her in his arms.

"My stomach, it hurts...so much." She coughed again, clutching at her belly. "And I feel tired, but too tired to sleep, and hungry, but too hungry... and for things I don't even know! It's all so very strange!" Joleigh gripped onto his forearms and pressed her head into his chest. Enjolras took her into his arms. 

"Here..." He mumbled into her hair, "Come over here."  Enjolras led Joleigh to his desk, and sitting down in his armchair, motioned for her to sit on his lap. She did it gladly, curling into a small shaking ball with her head tucked between his shoulder and head and her knees. Joleigh was light, but very thin, which always had a downside, but she had always been very healthy. It's strange for her to get ill so quick, unless...Enjolras swallowed hard. He had done enough reading of Combeferre's and Joly's medical books to understand some sympotoms of pregnancy in a woman. But it was only last night - how could it? It's morning isn't it. There was somethign about morning sickness and...No! This is not what is happening! This can't be.Enjorlas began to panick. Joleigh could tell.

"It's nothing Enjolras, I'm just stressed, that's all." She said, taking his face in her hands.

"A-and how do you know?" He placed a hand lightly on her stomach. "Joleigh, are you pregnant?" Her blue eyes began to water and she looked away.

"I don't know." She said softly, biting her lip. Enjolras tensed. It was meant to be happy knews. He would be so happy if it wasn't the for the fact that the revolution was tomorrow. 

"What are we going to do? Joleigh, we can't have a child in these times! God only knows how long the revolution will last, and do you know the consequences? If - if it goes wrong in the next few days-" He didn't want to say it. The child could potentially have no father, and the National Guard would hunt down and track any relations he had - Joleigh could die.

"No. You told me yourself that the barricade will hold. Everything will be alright - hell - I don't even know if I am with child or not." Joleigh retorted back. She placed a delicate hand on his cheek, pressing lightly so he was looking at her. "We'll both be fine." Enjorlas sighed and kissed the middle of her palm before it went back to his chest. They sat in silence for a while, her - listening to his pounding heart and him - rythmically rubbing her stomach.

Eventually they made it back  to their bed.  


How dramatic THAT would have been if I had put it in, right? 

I'm sort of glad I didn't...there was too much going on already, but it was a cute thought. (But also traumitizing given the ending to the story -.-) 

Anyways, what do you think?

See you tomorrow!

-Kat/Grantaire xx

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