3. Red and Black

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3. Needs something red and something black!



"What are you doing?" Jehan enquired as he strolled into the almost empty back room of the Musain - almost empty because Grantaire was  sitting in the darkest corner, away from the sunlight streaming from the window. The young drunk lifted his eyes briefly from his work and turned to his friend.

"Nothing." He remarked dully, subtly shifting the papers onto the space of the bench next to him. Jehan raised an eyebrow and advanced towards him. Grantaire stiffened. 

"You're obviously hiding something." The poet laughed and took the seat opposite, watching as Grantaire poured out a bottle of RED wine into a glass. The bottle was half empty. Jehan noticed there was a BLACK staining on the drunk's palms, leaving sooty fingerprints on the clear glass.

"It's nothing that concerns you, Prouvaire." Grantaire gulped down half the wine and wiped his mouth with his yellowing shirt sleeve. Jehan looked at his friend with concern. No one would use his last name to address him unless he was in trouble or the person addressing was in an grievous mood.

"It actually concerns me very much that you are drinking a near empty bottle of wine in the early afternoon!" He reached out and took the wine away.

"You want it? Fine drink it. It's nice, shouldn't a guy be allowed to drink something that tastes nice." Grantaire let out a noise that was a mix between a laugh and a groan, swirling the glass with his fingers.

"Tell me what's wrong, 'Taire. Enjolras and the rest will be here soon." Jehan sighed. When he said those words the young drunk's blue eyes popped open.

"How soon is soon?" He blurted out as Jehan blinked innocently at him.

"Like five minutes, I just walked ahead with Joleigh. She went into her flat, so I decided to come here before the meeting, they were looking for you - you know? Joleigh was concerned that you'd be here - hey!" Grantaire had jumped out of his seat, snatching his work from the bench and storming to the exit. "Wait - you can't go! They'll be here soon-" Jehan chased him out the door. Grantaire was ignoring him, thumping down the stairs. His slowed reaction caused him to trip, halfway down, spilling an array of papers at the bottom of the staircase. The drunk cursed and scrambled around, trying to gather them together quickly, but Jehan was there before him.

"No! Jehan don't -" Grantaire went bright RED as Jehan's speckled green eyes wandered over a piece, then another, and another. His mouth dropped and he picked up the others around him, studying them all carefully. It was when Grantaire coughed with embarrassment, that he finally looked up.

" 'Taire, I knew you liked art, but I never knew you could draw - like - like this!" He exclaimed pointing to the drawings, sketched messily with BLACK charcoal. 

"It's nothing, just a hobby - Jehan-" The poet began laying the papers on the wooden, gaping as he took them all in. 

"Just a hobby!" Jehan laughed, "Look at these! They are amazing, I mean this one looks exactly like Enjolras!" He held up the detailed portrait that Grantaire had spent an unholy amout of time on. Grantaire hid his face in his hands, completely RED and feeling terribly sober. "And this - my, look at Courf, and Joly. This one of Joleigh - and oh my, look at me!" Jehan was beaming, his nimble fingers tracing the BLACK lines.

"Yes, well I like using inspiration from around me." Grantaire grunted and started collecting the papers again, being careful not to crease his portrait of his Apollo. There were many more, these were mere sketches to his gallery at home. There he could use colour to capture the beauty of each person. Each of his friends - and his Apollo. He could use RED.

"You have to show the others," Jehan smiled as they both stood. Grantaire went pale.

"No, don't tell them anything Jehan." He blurted out. "Not a word, okay?"

"Why not? They would be so-"

"Please, Jehan." Grantaire placed a large hand on his friend's shoulder. "Don't say anything, I want to be left alone to do my work, understand?" Jehan paused, pouting, but sighed and gave in.

"Fine. Though I think it's a shame. Enjolras would be amazed by that picture of him."

"Oh - I highly doubt that."


Red - Like red wine, and blushing and paint?

Black - Like charcoal and graphite and YEAH

Understand? Okay, comprende, I would talk more but I'm tired, I need to sleep, night!

-Kat/Grantaire xx

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