9. Drinking With Grantaire

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9. Your character (or another Les Amis) drinking with Grantaire, and the stunts they pull whilst completely off their heads...


"How much do you want to bet?" Grantaire smirked, keeping a mischevious eye on Bahorel as he sipped from his bottle. Bahorel leaned in closer and propped his elbows on the table.

"I bet...five francs."

"Only five?"

"Well, I don't want to lose all my money."

"Psh - five is a pitiful number!"

"Fine then, how much do you think?" Grantaire smirked and the men looked across the room. Joleigh was perched on her seat, reading her book calmly, ocasionaly lifting her head to talk to Enjolras or one of the others. She was completely oblivious to the fact that Grantaire and Bahorel were betting on her.

"Do you really doubt your theory so much, that you're wimping out?" The drunk mused, rolling his wrist and raising his eyebrows as Bahorel scoffed.

"My friend, I will never back out of a challenge."

"So how much? Hmm?"

"I bet...twenty francs that you won't be able to get Joleigh drunk." Bahorel held out his hand to seal the deal. Grantaire paused before taking it. It was twenty francs, twenty francs he couldn't afford to lose - however, if he managed it there would be a twenty franc gain... Grantaire took another swing as he shook Bahorel's hand. "Good luck!" Bahorel chuckled.

"You better have those twenty francs handy." Grantaire smirked and stood, making his way across the room. He had to wait for Enjolras to leave, and also Combeferre - those two would be watching him like a hawk around the precious jewel of L'ABC. He didn't know what for though, everyone knew that Joleigh loved Grantaire the most - as a brother of course. He would trust her. Grantaire felt bad that he was going to decieve her but on the other hand, Enjolras never let her have any fun. What's a better way then being completely out of your mind? Also, anything to piss of Enjolras. The drunk sighed and sat down next to Joleigh. He smiled at the way she didn't notice, then nudged her arm gently. She looked up, and when seeing it was him, smiled warmly.

"Hello, 'Taire. I haven't seen you all evening!" Joleigh closed her book and laid it carefully on the table. The title read; Theorm of the the nocturnal Insects. 

"How do you find that entertaining?" Grantaire snorted nodding at it. It was most likely borrowed from Combeferre. How boring. 

"Well, I wouldn't call it entertaining - more...interesting." She laughed softly, then lowered her voice, "I would rather read abotu the anatomy of a moth than - well you know..." Joleigh subtly nodded in Enjolras' direction. Like always he was in some heated argument/declaration about something to do with 'freedom' or 'the benefit for teh people'. Grantaire's eyes lingered on the golden haired man with sadness. 

"I see," He looked away and sighed into his bottle. Joleigh put her slender hand into his rough palm and squeezed it in comfort. She knew what he was thinking. But Grantaire didn't want to think about that, he didn't want to be reminded. This brought him back to the idea of his task. He turned to face Joleigh, "Hey, you know what?"


"I know a way to have more fun."

"And what is that, monsuier?" Joleigh giggled at his feined formality. Grantaire put his bottle on the table top and nudged it in her direction. Joleigh turned pink, and her eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of worry.

"I-I couldn't possibly," She stammered, nudging it back - looking at Enjolras.

"Yes you can, I know you can! It'll be fun!" Grantaire assured. Joleigh pursed her lips, looking from Enjolras to Grantaire, to Enjolras and back to the wine bottle.

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