8. Disney

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8. This scene should be based on Disney...yes I know, don't all rush at once! But admit it, we've all wondered what it would be like...


"Are you sure you'll be okay, looking after them for so long?" Joleigh ask as she fixed her bonnet and straightened Enjolras' cravat.

"Yes, of course. It can't be that hard." Combeferre smiled, looking up from his book. He had already settled into Enjorlas' armchair.

"They're not as calm as you think." Enjolras warned, putting on his top hat as Joleigh gathered their suitcases. They were taking the day off to go to Romainville, for their anniversary.

"I think I can handle two children."

"But these aren't just any children, Combeferre," Joleigh smirked, "These are our children."

"Do you understand how rambunctious they can get?" Enjolras sighed.

"I've studied enough pycollagy to understand the ways of children." The couple stared at him in disbelief. Joleigh took Enjolras' arm and spun him around so they were facing away frmo their friend.

"Are you sure you want to leave him with them?" She hissed, eyes filled with worry. Enjolras chuckled and brushed a flyaway curl from her temple.

"Combeferre survived a revolution. He will survive our children." He whispered back as Joleigh pouted, a giddy glimmer in her eye.

"Oh really? Have you seen our children? Genevieve could wipe the floor with him and Félix...he could lecture him about the rights of God knows what-"

"You have to stop worrying!" Enjolras kissed her cheek. "I know you're also worried about them, but Combeferre is a smart man, and you know it. Let us enjoy a honeymoon in peace, this year. We don't want a reaccurance of last year, do we?" Joleigh paled and swallowed hard. Maybe, leaving the children for the day would help...their sanity! The couple returned to Combeferre, picking up their suitcases.

"Have fun, you two!" The intellegant man embraced each of them in farewell at the doorway.

"Be careful." Joleigh advised as she handed the bags to the driver of their carriage. "I'm being serious Combeferre, watch out." Combeferre looked at her in puzzlement. Enjolras shook his head and sighed, patting his friend on the back.

"Just a tip-" He leaned in close to his friend's ear. "Félix has a bad habit of...um...biting people-"

"What?" Combeferre scoffed, his glasses nearly falling off of his nose. "Wait - what do you mean biting?" Enjolras beamed widely and ran to the carriage before his friend could ask anymore. "Enjorlas!" He shouted after them, turning white. But they were gone, off far away for the day. It was going to be a long one. Combeferre straightened, taking a deep breath as he went back inside teh house. The children were sleeping when he arrived this morning, Joleigh told him that Genevieve loved her sleep and Félix often read books after hours - which explained why he was still asleep at noon. But when they were awake - boy, were they awake. None of Amis understood how much energy two children could carry. Joleigh insisted it was Enjorlas' genes, but he insisted it was hers. I guess there was no way to find out. "You'll be fine, Combeferre." He assured himself, closing the door, "Everything is going to be fine-"

"Are you talking to yourself, Uncle?" A voice came from behind him. Combeferre jumped and spun around. "Haha! I scared you!" It was Genevieve, leaning in the doorframe of the staircase, her younger brother peaking from behind her. She was a beautiful child, with the cascading blonde curls of her mother and teh dark blue eyes of her father. She had a wide and mischievious gap-toothed grin and a flaring, passionate attitude. Only ten year old, she was already tall and lean. "I can't be that frightening, could I?"

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