16. Musian Rouge

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16. Transport the characters into a completely different musical. I know this is like #12 but that was just one song, in this I want a plot change! 


"Why are we here?" Enjolras shouted at his friends, equally confused and embarrassed as the crowd shoved them into the building and out of the pouring rain. 

"You need to lighten up!" Courfeyrac grinned at him linking his arm through Joly's, his face pink from the heat, " The Bohemian Revolution is too much for you at the moment-"

"And you really need this - Marius too. Both of you need to see some girls and we've brought you to the right place!" Bahorel battered him and the awkward ginger on the back. Marius was red and Enjolras was stiff.  

"Please, can't we just go-" Enjolras growled.

"I'm sopping wet and I honestly don't really feel up to it-" Marius stuttered, but was silenced by the extreme noise that came from the theatre and also stunned by the ornate beauty of it. Thousands of men were cheering and laughing - all of this bounced off the golden plated walls and the high ceiling. There were so many floors to this building, it seemed to never end. In the centre was a dance floor - the light from the chandeliers above it flickered onto the wooden surface. The amount of men was astounding. The Amis were shoved into the center of the dance floor and music erupted around them.

"This is stupid." Enjolras shouted at his friends.

"Just try it out!" Jehan laughed. "There are some beautiful girls here! Not to mention, just wait for The Sisters." Marius chuckled as he looked around.

"What is this place?"

"It's a-"

" Welcome to the Musian Rouge!" A voice boomed through the wild cheering crowd. A tall skinny ginger man with way too much make up and sequins appeared from a high stage - grinning like there was no tomorrow. "Where we guarantee you will be entertained!"

"Who in hell is that?!" Enjolras scoffed folding his arms.

 "Thernardier and his infamous girls, he calls them his diamond dogs." Courfeyrac said. Then Thernardier pulled back the curtains and reveled an array of brightly clad women - all very pretty and wearing the most scandalous of outfits. Enjorlas and Marius turned away as the male crowd went into an uproar of hoots and whistles. Then the man began to sing;

If life's an awful bore,

And living's jus a chore,

That you do 'cause death's not much fun!

I've just the antidote,

And though I musn't gloat,

At the Musain Rouge you'll have fun!

"Now may I present to you; our show tonight -" At that point he spun around and the girls twirled onto the dance floor as six spotlights appeared on stage descending upwards in a pyramid - two at the top. Under each one was a girl - with a cane and a top hat. Enjolras finally looked up as the crowd went silent. Thernardier beamed wickedly and shouted each girl's name as they began to harmonize and click, swaying to the beat;

Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, flow sista -

"Musichetta!" A dark haired girl at the bottom right spun around. "Anise!" A blond girl at the bottom left spun and giggled at the crowd. Bahorel cheered loudly.

Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, go sista - 

"Étoile!" The brown haired girl in the middle right spun - revealing her bright green eyes. "Éponine!" The girl on her opposite side twirled and flicked her leg - winking at the crowd. Thernardier waggled his eyebrows. "And finally-"

Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, flow sista,

"The lovely, beautiful young ladies-"

Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, flow sista...

"Our golden duo - Joleigh!" The taller to the right spun, "And Cosette!" The shorter twirled so the two were standing back to back, swaying their hips and smirking at the crowd through their long eyelashes. With six beautiful women, the men couldn't take it. Thernardier knew he was getting profit tonight. "The Sisters everyone! " He announced before letting his ladies do their thing. Enjolras was stunned to silence. He was staring at this girl - dazzling in her silver and black dress and the top of the pyramid. Nothing seemed quite like her. This - Joleigh... It was when they began to sing - when he began to fall hard.

He met Marmelade down in old Musian Rouge

Struttin' her stuff on the street!

She said, "Hello hey Jo, you wanna give it a go?"

Oh! Uh ~huh!

The girls descended the stairs and joined the other on the dance floor.

Giuchie, giuchie, ya ya, dada! (hey hey hey!)

Giuchie, giuchie, ya ya, here!

Mocha Chocolata, ya ya! (oh yea!)

Creole lady Marmalade!

Enjolras looked over to Marius and knew he wasn't the only one to fall under the spell...


Okay I know this is terrible but it's almost 1 AM and I am soooo tired and I really had no ideas for this one? Does Moulin Rouge even count as a musical? I don't know - but it's good music and why not?

The girls would be beautiful badass dancers. 

-Kat/Grantaire xx

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