The List

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1. Let's start sweet and simple. Introduce yourself as a character of your choice, writing in first person! It can be an original charater or a person you come up with yourself.

2. Write a deleted scene between your character and his/her Les Mis pairing. (If you don't have an original character then use your OTP (one true pairing) from Les Mis)

3. Needs something red and something black!

4. Use the song; 'At The End of The Day' as your inspiration for this scene! But take note that you're not allowed to use the Fantine situation.

5. Congratulations you've gotten to #5! This one has to be a scene with Jehan! I'm talking flowers and braids! Why is he such a cutie?

6. Must have something to do with Enjolras's precious flag...

7. Write a scene that has a song written into the text; character/song rules don't apply! (e.g It could be Grantaire singing 'A Heart Full of Love' for all I know...)

8. This scene should be based on Disney...yes I know, don't all rush at once! But admit it, we've all wondered what it would be like...

9. Your character (or another Les Amis) drinking with Grantaire, and the stunts they pull whilst completely off their heads...

10. Congratulations you've gotten to #10! This scene must involve Joly and his hypochondriac-ness!

11. Boom! Les Amis are half their age!

12. Write a scene based on a song that's non-Les Mis, but a different musical alltogether! (THE PHAAANTOOOMM OF JAVERT IS HERREEE INSIDE MY MIND - ehem...)

13. The reaction of Les Amis meeting the 'beautiful' Cosette that stole foolish Marius's heart for the first time! 

14. Use a modern song as the base of this scene! ( e.g Marius singing 'Call Me Maybe'...oh my god that would be hilarious)

15. Congratulations! You have entered the halfway point #15! Now let's welcome a scene of Courfeyrac!

16. Transport the characters into a completely different musical. I know this is like #12 but that was just one song, in this I want a plot change! 

17. If Les Amis had survived the rebellion and succeeded, what would have happened? What would they be doing! 

18. Write a scene that has the next generation of little freedom fighters! (their children)

19. Write a scene that has no dialogue...yes, no speech, no singing, nada. Zip.

20. Congratulations! You've reached #20! Here is your present: you must write a scene focused mainly on Grantaire!

21. Boom! Les Mis A/U in modern times!

22. You may only have 30 mins to write this scene. (I'm trusting you on this, it does not matter how long it ends up, this is only to challenge your writing abilities) Inspiration: Stars. YOUR TIME STARTS NOW!

23. Involve Javert...and he's very angry...

24. Boom! I've transported you (yes YOU, not your character) into the wonderful world of Les Mis. Enjoy yourself.

25. Congratulations on reaching #25! I give you the power of Eponine! Involve her! Go, go, go! Shoo!

26. Uh, oh... the National Guard has captured Enjolras! Who will save him!?

27. Well hello Gavroche! What's that? You want a scene of your own? Okay then! You heard the man! Involve the little street urchin!

28. Switch the roles of two character; e.g Cosette as the street girl and Eponine as the bourgouis-to-a-penny thing? Grantaire as the cheif, Enjolras as the drunk cynic? Javert as the exconvict, Valjean as the inspector? Courfeyrac as the nerd, Combeferre as the flirt? I don't know, be creative!  

29. Try to go out of your comfort zone. Write something you vowed not ever write.

30. Congratulations! You've done it! You've gotten to the last one! I now bless you with the freedom of writing ANY scene of your desire! A scene you've been so desperate to write! Go my pretty, be free...let your emotions soar...


And that's it! Intersting eh?

If you are gonna join in this, post the link to it below in the comments so everyone can read eachothers! And in your story post the link to here so more people can get involved! Spread the Les Mis love!

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot; please give me the credit of making up this challenge! It is copywrighted, but I do trust you guys to be nice!

I'll be posting my own challenge results eventually, I've got exams to study! So probably during Summertime, but you can still do it yourself :) 

If there's any questions or any promblems or anything you don't understand; MESSAGE ME! :)

Thanks a bunch and ENJOY!


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