6. The Flag

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6. Must have something to do with Enjolras's precious flag...


"Oh, no." Marius backed away, hands up in protest, " No, no, no, no...no!"

"Yes!" Enjolras stepped closer to him with each step he took back. "Yes, yes and yes again!" 

"No. I'm not doing it."

"Yes you are."

"No! I can't!"

"You can!"

"I can't!"

"Oh come on, Pontmercy!" Bahorel boomed, giving him a light shove towards Enjolras - well, light in Bahorel's terms. Marius tripped over his own feet, and would have fallen if it wasn't for Courfeyrac.

"Nope. Not doing it!" Marius dusted himself off and looked at his friends with pleading eyes. "Get Lesgles or Feuilly or...Joly, to ride the horse for God's sake!"  

"Ha!" Lesgles laughed. "Me riding a horse? With my luck, I wouldn't even be able to get on."

"I'm allergic." Joly put in, rubbing his watering eyes. Hay fever was already a problem and possible allergies were not going to help it. Marius gaped then swallowed hard, still shaking his head. Enjolras caught him by the arm.

"I want you to do it, as a friend." He stated, pushing the flag into Marius' palm. "Please, seeing someone like yourself parading the banner of our revolution down the streets will help inspire the people. When they see the determination and power of our cause on that day, they will follow us to the barricade-" Marius laughed nervously a pushed away the red fabric.

"I won't be able to get to the barricade!" He brushed a hand through his hair.

"And why not?" Courfeyrac asked.

"Because-" He turned red and the others rolled their eyes. Why was Marius Pontmercy always so awkward? No one would ever know. "Er...I just can't. Why can't you Enjolras - you'll be holding the flag at the procession of Lemarc - why not keep it?"

"I will need to rally the people as go along, to bring them to the barricade and the flag has to be there before we do. It's the only way and I trust you with the job, Marius." The leader threw the banner at him so he had no choice but to take it. Pontmercy groand and Courf patted him on the back.

"Come on, you'll be good at it!"

"Trust me, it's not a good idea."

"And will you give us a reason why it's so terrible?" Combeferre joined the conversation, looking up from the maps he was reading with Enjolras. Marius paused, looking down at the flag.

"There is a reason."


"I-it's just, I-I can't." Marius spluttered, turning almost as red as his coppery hair. The others sighed.

"It's nothing to be scared about, Pontmercy." Feuilly clicked his tounge from arcoss the room where he was sharing a bottle with an already pissed Grantaire. "It's revolution."

"I'm not scared!" The young man retorted.

"Then what is it you can't tell your friends?" Enjolras demanded. Marius tapped his foot on the ground in nervousness, the room had gone silent, even Joleigh looked up from her book.

"I-I can't -"

"Oh come on!" Grantaire grunted, lazily swirling the last drops of his drink in his bottle. "It's not like you don't know us! It's not that bloody hard."

"Grantaire-" Enjorlas growled. "Get back to your drinking-" The drunk's eyes narrowed mischieviously.

"Make me, oh fearless leader!

"Don't start, you two-"Joleigh cut in, standing up and going to Marius' side. Enjolras turned back to his maps with Combeferre as Grantaire's face fell for no one to see. Marius looked at Joleigh thankfully and she returned it with understanding.

"What's the promblem, Marius? Horses are gentle creatures." She said, "At least,  if what I've read about is true."

"It's not about the animal, or the revolution - I'm all for it - but-"

"But? But, what? Please just put me out of my misery and speak Marius!" Courfeyrac jested. Marius' knuckles whitened.

"I can't ride alright!" He blurted out. Silence fell on the room. Grantaire put down his bottle, Enjolras turned around, Jehan looked up from his scriptures, everyone stared in silence. Then the laughter came, starting with Courf's witheld snigger, then to Jehan's soft giggle, then to Grantaire's snort, progressing to Bahorel's booming laugh and Lesgles chuckle. It bubbled around the room until only Marius, Joleigh, Enjolras and Combeferre were silent. Then Combeferre sniggered, shaking his head and Joleigh smiled. Marius turned red.

"Well, that's a problem..." Enjolras said.

 "Yes. I never learned, so therefore I can't do it. Thank you." Marius let out a breath then held out his hand to return the flag. Suddenly, Enjorlas smiled.

"Sorry Pontmercy, you're still riding tomorrow."


Okay, I tried to be funny? Was it funny? Come on it was hilarious - hah...I know, it was bad... :P

I was just trying to lighten the mood a bit, and why not with some awkward Pontmercy? I just love teasing Marius, he's such a dork. ;)

Until tomorrow!

-Kat/Grantaire xx  

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