7. Lovely Ladies

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7. Write a scene that has a song written into the text; character/song rules don't apply! 


Courfeyrac stumbled into the back room of the Musain, whether he was drunk or just happy, no one could tell. The usual crowd was in, including Joleigh, Étoile and Anise who were situated in the corner of the room talking cheerfully amongst each other whilst their husbands/finacé watched over them from the opposite wall. The young flirt grinned and sauntered up to his friends.

"Why hello, dear brothers!" He chortled to Enjolras, Bahorel and Fortunio. "May I ask a favor?"

"Anything!" Bahorel grinned patting him on the back and pulling out a chair, which Courfeyrac gladly took. Enjolras and Fortunio were not as moved, they kept a cautious eye on him.

"What do you want, Courf?" Enjolras inquired. His friend beamed, noticing how brittle the fearless leader was being.

"Oh come now, Enjolras," Courfeyrac laughed glimpsing at the ladies across the room, "I won't bite."

"Hah." The leader grunted. 

"Okay, it wasn't funny." The center admitted but leaned forwards. "But if you want me to stay away, i'll need a favor."

"What?" Fortunio snapped.

"Calm down, it was another joke." Courfeyrac held up is hands in fiend shock. "But seriously, I would like some money. Not a lot, but enough to..." He raised an eyebrow and bit his lip.

"Oh, I get it!" Bahorel snorted. "Courf, wants to go to the docks!"

"Shh! Keep your voice low, well try. Just because you have women doesn't mean you can rub the fact in my face." Courfeyrac blushed. 

"Rub what in your face?" The men stiffened. Courfeyrac turned around slowly and looked up at the three girls standing before them. 

"Haha - nothing that concerns you, dear madamoiselles." The flirt smirked.

"What?" I really would like to know - Enjolras?" Joleigh asked innocently - well, it came off innocently. She, Étoile and Anise knew exactly what was going on. Meanwhile the men were turning red.

"Please, Joleigh it's nothing." Enjolras smiled, blushing profusely. 

"Oh, come on - we're not innocent young maids." Anise chortled, rubbing Bahorel's shoulders whilst her husband smirked. 

"Courf, you need to introduce us to your lovely ladies!" Étoile laughed. 

"Eh-" Courfeyrac coughed. "You really wouldn't like them -" Anise waved him off and the girls laughed.

Lovely ladies waiting for a bite,

Waiting for the customers that only come at night! 

"That's you Courf." 

Lovely ladies ready for the call,

Standing up or lying down or anyway at all.

"I wonder which way he likes it!" Anise smiled.

"Fortunio, control your dame!" Courfeyrac stood as the three gorgeous girls surrounded him.

Lovely ladies waiting in the dark,

Waiting for a quick one or a thick one in the park.

"Joleigh!" Enjolras blinked at his fianceeé in shock, she only laughed in return and tugged at Courfeyrac's curls.

"Let me have a little fun, ma beau." She purred at him. He swallowed hard, turning pink.

Long time, short time, anytime my dear!

Costs a little extra if you wanna take all year!

The three of them pushed him lightly to the floor. 

Quick and easy underneath the pier! -

"Okay I get it!" Courfeyrac yowled, scampering away, "I get it, I get it! Guys, get your girls to stop molesting me!" The three women giggled at each other and returned to their partners eager arms. 

"We were never going to do anything to you." Anise laughed, pecking Bahorel on the cheek.

"Just having fun, I would never be unfaithful to my 'Tunio!" Étoile cried, settling on her husband's lap enveloped in in his warm embrace.

"Ditto," Joleigh smirked, curling up onto Enjolras, who sat glaring at Courfeyrac, still disheveled on the ground. "Did you fall for it, Enjolras?"

"Not a chance." He murmured, looking into her blue eyes. Although they could be mischievous and dark, he knew that Joleigh was the most loyal of them all and that those eyes were only meant for him. When she smiled her eyes returned to the peaceful light blue and Enjolras captured her lips in a kiss. 

"Right, well, now that it's settled..." Courfeyrac coughed, "May you please spare me my dishonour of asking again?" Enjolras growled and rumadged in his pocket. He chucked a couple francs at his friend.

"Have fun, brother." He said before turning back to Joleigh's eager lips.

"You better find a girl soon, Courfeyrac," Anise chuckled.

"Or we'll have to set you up!" Étoile grinned as Courf's face fell.

"Don't worry, my charms will find me a woman in no time!" He straightened his cravat and coat as he made for the exit, "But in the mean time, my lovely ladies will have to do. Have a good night, lovebirds!"


Yes! I totally went there! I thought that Lovely Ladies would just be Cour's jam...yeah. So what did you think? 

Again, this was sort of last minute so forgive the spelling errors and such ;)

-Kat/Grantaire xx

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