15. Courfeyrac

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15. Congratulations! You have entered the halfway point #15! Now let's welcome a scene of Courfeyrac!


He had joined them when there were only two. Enjolras was a stubborn ten year old with an attitude and Combeferre a silent and foreboding eleven year old. They both seemed the unlikely pair for the young sparky Courfeyrac to become friends with - but there really wasn't a choice. Their parents were aquainted, the mothers would constantly invite eachother over the their grand Parisian houses to dine or have tea with in summer afternoons, and generally brought their sons with them. The first time they met was at Madam Combeferre's; Courfeyrac's mother was an aquaintence of hers and the lovely Madam wanted to meet the famous Madam de Enjolras. The hens got on very nicely - the fathers talked smartly of politics and the sciences. They left the only children to amuse themselves while the adults talked in the courtroom - leaving the young boys unoccupied and bored. Well, only Courfeyrac bored... Combeferre and Enjorlas already knew eachother and would talk to only the other. That didn't matter, because it was Courfeyrac who finally broke the awkwardness of the situation.

"Do you know what?" He had asked boldly, as the others turned and stared at him as if he were some inanimate object. Courfeyrac didn't care - he smiled at them brightly. 

"Yes...what?" Enjolras replied caustiously giving the other boy a suspicious look. Courfeyrac only snickered and tugged his cravat loose.

"It's really hot."

"Congratulations at being observant." Combeferre snided, hoping to scare the new boy away and leave him and Enjolras alone. Instead it had an opposing affect.

"I try!" Courfeyrac jumped up from his seat and ran to the far window, pulling back the drapes to let the light shine in every corner of the room. "Anyways - besides it being so terribly hot in this room, I think it's terribly boring."

"Thanks." The other two replied.

"I wasn't insulting you-" Courfeyrac ignored their sarcasm and continued to stare out the window - his black curly fringe getting in the way of his eyes. "I was just stating a fact. Because it is boring, I mean, our parents get to drink and eat in teh otehr room and enjoy themselves - and what do we get to do?" He babbled swiping away at his fringe. 

"Get to know eachother?" Enjolras pointed out raising an eyebrow. Courfeyrac spun away from the window and stomped over to the boys, the smile still on his face. 

"Exactly. However, we don't seem to be doing that as you two already know eachother and I just sit here like a lump."

"What are we meant to do?" Combeferre blinked up at him.

"Well, introduce yourselves!" Courfeyrac sighed dramatically and fell back into his chair.

"We've done that already." Enjolras grumbled.

"Have you really? You were introduced as Enjolras' son and you-" He turned to Combeferre, "As Combeferre's son - same goes for me. I don't actually know anything about you and vise versa, or even your first name! So...tell me about yourselves as I suspect we'll be seeing eachother quite alot." Courfeyrac took a deep breath as it sunk in to the other two boys. When they looked at him with confused expressions he rolled his eyes and laughed. "Fine!" He stood and walked in front of them, as if the room were his stage. "My name is Luke Courfeyrac. I'm eleven years old - I like to talk, fence, and ride. I like the countryside, my parents own this house that we go to in the summertime. I find this lifestyle quite boring - I want to explore the world." He finished and sat back down. "Oh! Also, I like girls. Pretty ones, though I don't mind if they're ugly." The boys looked at him in shock.

"When have you ever met any girls?" Enjolras remarked. Courfeyrac shrugged.

"I get around. I could introduce you if you want?"

"Sure you do and no thank you." Enjolras huffed and looked at the other disdainfully. Courfeyrac was amused by this and tapped the blonde boy on the shoulder.

"It's your turn now."


"Tell me who you are."

"It's pointless and stupid-"

"Come on!" Courfeyrac whined. "Do it and I'll levae you alone!"

"Fine. My name is Marc Enjolras. I'm ten years of age. I like to learn, speak and sometimes debate about certain things. I've never been the courtyside - actually maybe once, though I was just driving through it with my family. Seemed like a nice place. I like Paris, I like the cities and how busy they are. People are interesting to watch." The blonde crossed his arms and pouted. "I don't like girls either. Well, I don't care for them in the way that you do, Courfeyrac."

"My name's Luke."

"How about we just stick to last names. It's easier." Enjorlas hissed.

"Whatever you say, your majesty!" Courfeyrac gave him a humourus glance and turned to Combeferre. "Okay, now your turn." He prodded Combeferre on the arm.

"Uh- this is a stupid way-"

"Shh!" Courfeyrac flapped his hand in the other's face. "Just do it."

"Fine." Combeferre cleared his throat. "Um-well...my name is Michel Combeferre. I'm eleven years old as well. I like literature, insects and learning - I guess. I like being indoors as it's not so noisy and stuffy like out there. I don't mind the lifestyle though, I guess I wouldn't know if any other was good? If it isn't I'd like to help it. Help people, I-I guess." The boy finished and pursed his lips. "Satisfied?" Courfeyrac smirked.

"Great job everyone! However, you kind of contradicted yourself there, Combeferre. How could you help the world if you don't want to step outside?" Combeferre blinked at him. 

"Well there are ways..."

"And what ways are those?"

"Ways!" Combeferre squeaked. Courfeyrac giggled and jumped out of his seat.

"Well, that's not clear enough. But don't worry, I know the solution!" 

'And what might that be?" Enjolras refused to follow Combeferre in standing with the new boy. The black haired child wriggled his eyebrows at him as he frowned.

"Come with me -" He made a run for the front door. "And you'll see!" Before the other two could protest - Courfeyrac exploded out into the street. Combeferre and Enjolras ran to the doorway and hissed from him to come back. Courfeyrac shook his head and gave them the lip. "It'll be fun! I know my way around! Combeferre, you said you want to help - Enjolras you said people were interesting - here's your chance to actually observe them! So come outside, you losers!" That's what did it. Before anyone knew it there were three boys on the street. Courfeyrac beamed and grabbed they're arms. "Our adventure is going to begin today!"

And it really did. From then on the three were inseperable. As they made their way around Paris - they picked up a few others - but they'll remember that it began with Courfeyrac. And he would never let them live it down.


Haha, cute right! I just love writing the Amis as children! They are just so cute! And crazy hyper Courf!

-Kat/Grantaire xx

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