4.At The End of The Day

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4. Use the song; 'At The End of The Day' as your inspiration for this scene! But take note that you're not allowed to use the Fantine situation.


Enjorlas was holding another meeting; these had become frequent in the past few months, and all to good terms. Many were joining, and it was going to be years before the revolution was actually going to happen. It was all just debates and arguments; statements of what should be and what should've. The back of the Musain was filled with eager young men, all shrouded by the same idea. They talked in boisterous voices, drinking, laughing, forming acquaintances. It was a cheerful place to be during the evening. Joleigh was there too, however she was quiet as her friends cheered around her. She kept her eyes upon Enjolras, focusing on her friend with anticipation, but also woe. It was a shock what he had done for her, all the sacrifices he made...she couldn't help but think he had done it for more than just friendship. Well, she hoped that there was something more. Joleigh smiled and blushed at her own thoughts. No, it would never happen. There are more things to think about. This was true. Joleigh knew that someday this idea of a republiqué was going to blossom into something bad. She just couldn't see past it. That's why she stayed silent; up until someone had to get Enjolras going on a rant.

"At the end of the day, it's another day over." Feuilly sighed into his bottle of absinthe. "Only get enough that lasts for a week."

"Tell me about it," Bahorel grunted and nudged him, " You pay the landlord, and the shops for your dinner, and keep on working as long as your able. Not to mention school fees." 

"Keep working until you drop," Feuilly continued, " ' Cus you've got to pay you're way, or else you end up on the-" He was silenced by Jehan. All eyes turned to Joleigh.

"Yes. It's right. The laws do this, they make hardworking men like yourselves pay the price for the bourgeoisie exuberant spending..." Enjorlas began looking at each member of the table with anticipation. Joleigh looked to her lap before their eyes locked. 

"Here we go again-" Grantaire groaned and downed his bottle.

"It's a struggle it's a war," The leader stated, "And there's nothing that anyone's giving. One more day standing about, what is it for?" Combeferre and Courfeyrac nodded in agreement.

"One day less to be living." Jehan mumbled sadly, tracing letters onto the table top. Enjorlas stood and addressed the other men, all eager to here his notions as they were always frequent and agreeable. Joleigh took Grantaire's bottle and had a swing herself. He gave her a sideways glance and moved his rough hand under the table to hold hers.

"And the righteous hurry past, They don't hear the women and children crying...And the plague is coming on fast, ready to kill." Enjolras roared and the men clapped, agreeing and shouting opinions. With the noise their making, the police could hear... Joleigh remarked worriedly as Enjorlas came back to sit next to her. He was smiling, in his passionate trance; until he saw Grantaire's hand in hers. He swallowed hard and looked away. Joleigh suddenly felt Grantaire leave her, as well as a pang in her chest.

"One day nearer to dying." Joly sniffed, fixing his scarf around him and rubbing his red nose. 

"Only you would come up with that." Lesgles joked, nudging his friend.

"It's not a joke, Lesgles." Enjolras remarked, "It's the truth. The more this continues, the more likely people are going to die." Everyone gave Joleigh a sideways glance. She was sick of it.

"At the end of the day," She finally spoke up and they turned to her. " There's another day dawning. Like the sun in the morning is waiting to rise." Joleigh looked at each of them, even Jehan stopped his fidgeting. "What I'm saying is that it will get better, maybe if we wait, the situation will sort out itself."

"Joleigh-" Combeferre began but she silenced him with a wave of her hand.

"Hear me out." She continued, "There is still good in this city, somewhere. For example how you saved me. There has to be more people out there that can do the right thing, without the fight and the uprising and revolution." Joleigh was careful to look at Enjolras. He sighed and took her hand.

"I know you don't want it to happen, but it must! The government doesn't work on good hearted people." He gave her a gentle squeeze and Joleigh but her lip.


"There's a hunger in the land, Joleigh," Courfeyrac interrupted, "And there's a reckon that still needs to be reckoned."

"Okay..." She gave up, taking Bahorel's jug of cider and having a sip. It was all too much to take in at the moment. Give it a couple years, it'll take that long to prepare, and maybe it will be long enough to knock some sense into people. Enjorlas gave her a brilliant white smile and turned back to a debate with some colleagues behind him. The other boys went back to talking amongst eachother. Grantaire had disappeared. Bahorel had let her finish his drink and she did gladly.

"It'll be us who'll have to pay, at the end of the day!" She muttered into the jug.


UGH! Another late night, I'm sorry about the quality! It was the first thing that popped into my head. 

Set around the start of Enjolras' meetings, a couple years before the actual story.

Hope you enojyed it!

-Kat/Grantaire xx

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