𝟎𝟎𝟒 Ravkan Ventures

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

Ⅳ 𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒌𝒂𝒏 𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔

AS ELVIRA WATCHED FROM THE FRONT OF THE BOAT, SHE COULD SEE THE DISCOMFORT ON HIS FACE. Kaz was one for composer and violence, but elegant poise. He kept glancing to the side of the boat and each time his skin seemed to pale a shade. Elvira tried her hardest to keep the boat as steady as possible as it coasted the waters, and Kaz gave her a swift nod.

Jesper strutted around as usual, his hands grasping his gun handles. He had been on a boat before, it was evident by his calm composure, not to mention he travelled from Noviya Zem to Ketterdam.  He had told her once that he went to Ketterdam to study at the university. He stayed for a few months before getting himself tied in gambling and gangs.

Inej stayed out of sight, occasionally and if any crew was quick enough to notice, they saw slip from the shadows almost magically. She would stand on the edge of the boats watching the waves for a few minutes before slipping away again.

Ira probably felt like a ghost to the others, like one of the mermaids pirates had carved to the front of the boat. She would sit on the bowsprit, leaning back on the large ropes. Jesper yelled at her, saying she would fall and drown. Ira sent him a quick glance. "How do you think I got to Ketterdam?" He left it alone after that, as did Kaz. Inej had tried to join her, but as she looked over the open waters beneath her feet for more than a second she swore she would vomit.

The informant Kaz had hired barley glanced at her. And Elvira refused to meet his eyes. Inej told her he was Ravkan, and even as they landed on the shores it didn't make it easier having a Ravkan so close.

WHEN KAZ HAD GOT THE CARRIGE, JESPER HAD TRIED HIS HAND AT BEING A GENTLEMAN. However it would have placed Elvira shoulder to shoulder with the Ravkan man. So it left the small Fjerdan squished between the lanky Zemeni and the hard wood of the carriage wall. Kaz and Inej sat on one side, Inej with a devious smile as she watched Ira still try and pull herself further form Arken.

"I didn't hire you simply to get us across the Fold," Kaz said as Arken stared the young boy down. "You're with us because you smuggle Grisha out of the Little Palace, and that's the location of our target."

"Sun Summoner," Inej clarified.

"Alleged," Kaz countered.

"They wouldn't keep a fraud in the most secure location in all of Ravka," Inej argued, looking up at Kaz.

Elvira swallowed her pride and turned her attention to teh Conductor. "You said you have a Heartrender, that she can get us inside," Elvira spoke up, cutting through the tension in the carriage. Arken nodded simply with a hum. "How do we know we can trust her?"

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