𝟎𝟎𝟗 Scars, New and Old

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

Ⅸ 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒔, 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒍𝒅

IRA WAITED UNTIL THE SUN SHONE DOWN. She walked through the quiet streets of the small Ravkan town. No one had dared to leave their homes nor open their business. The fights between the Grisha and the criminals on the street had cowered everyone into hiding.

Elvira had managed to clean most of the blood from her boots and the bottom of her tight trousers, but the liquor had changed the color of her sash making it slightly splotchy.

As Ira drew closer to the fountain she could see the boys standing in nervousness. Jesper switched from flicking his cuff and gripping his guns, his eyes darting around in nervousness. Kaz impatiently tapped his cane and let his eyes wander around, slower, more calculated.

Once Jesper's jittering eyes landed on Ira he immediately kicked himself up. Jesper flung himself off the wall and rushed to Elvira. "Ira, Saint's are you okay?" Jesper questioned in a rush his hands finding a place on her shoulders.

"I'm fine, but I pity whatever bar owner has the misfortune of finding a Tidemaker with no head and the frozen Inferni," Elvira said nonchalantly as she and Jesper walked back to Kaz.

Jesper's eyebrows shot up and he stared down at the Fjerdan girl, even Kaz's gaze seemed to falter for a moment. Jesper raised his hand, chasing after Ira, "A Tidemaker with what now?"

The sudden sound of a body dropping cut the conversation immediately. Inej let out a painful grunt as she steadied herself on the cobblestone wall. "Inej," Kaz called, his jaw clenching as he watched her.

"Djel," Elvira cursed as she rushed to Inej and held her steady. Her hand moved to hold the wound that had stained her dark blue clothes a deep red. "Steady her," Elvira ordered, nodding at Jesper.

Jesper grasped under Inej's arm as Ira knelt by Inej, her hand starting to weave small flecks of ice across the injury. "The Inferni, she's dead," Inej relayed, her voice strained as she spoke. She looked up at Kaz who seemed unable to tear his gaze from the gash in her side, his jaw still tight but he managed to give a small nod of acknowledgement.

Inej cursed under her breath as the ice started to numb the swelling. "Well, you can't manage a horse," Jesper thought aloud as he observed Inej's state, his eyes flickering between Inej and Kaz. "Not even riding double."

Ira shook her head and spared a glance at Kaz. "Come on blodig kråka, come up with a plan," Elvira muttered, her focus still on the bleeding girl that lay half dead in her hands. The three had heard Ira call each crow a Fjerdan name but none of them had discovered what each one meant.

Inej cursed again as Ira moved her hand to press against the wound once again, however, the chill did numb part of the pain. Kaz's eyes drifted around the courtyard before pausing on the matte black carriage. "That's a pretty nice ride," Kaz offered.

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