𝟎𝟏𝟐 The Wolf Blades

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

Ⅻ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒍𝒇 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔

THE HUMMINGBIRD LANDED WITH A THUD IN THE SAND AND IRA LOOKED UP. Jesper was the first to climb over, immediately rushing for Ira. "You're alive," Ira said with a laugh. "That's a plus." Jesper laughed softly, but the smile barely pulled at his lips. "What?"

Ira gently took Ira's arm and stepped away from the pyre. "Ira... Tenzin he..." Jesper cursed and chewed on his lips. "Ira I'm sorry."

Iras heart beat against her ribs as her breath started to pick up. "No, no, you're fucking lying," Ira hissed, pushing Jesper's arm off her hands shaking.

Jesper shook his head and Ira took a shakey breath. He pulled the bag from over his shoulder, handing it to Ira. "It's his stuff. I figured-" Ira shook her head and the bag slipped from her hands. Jesper quickly wrapped his arms around her and she cried into his chest. Jesper ran his hands through her white hair, whispering, "I've got you, Ira."

As the others walked closer, Ira stepped back and wiped her eyes before stepping further behind Jesper. Nina moved to stand with her however, keeping one hand wrapped around her waist as Nikolai walked to the tops of the steps, the Shu sibling on his left, the Squallers on his right.

The ginger girl, with deep scars over her body, stepped up first, taking one of the torches Ira had lit and ignited the end of the pyre. She handed it to Zoya who lit the top. Alina stepped up last taking the torch and tossing it on top of Kirigan's body.

Once the three stepped back, Nikolai started his speech. "Today is a new beginning. For all of Ravka. Hell, for our whole world. It's a bit daunting, isn't it? Knowing where to go from here. We've had a singular focus for so long. So much blood has been shed. After hundreds of years separated by the Fold, we can celebrate a unified Ravka. Our neighbors to the North

will see us united and will aim to strike. But often it's not the battle that takes the most from us. It's the aftermath. The chance to put the pieces of our lives back together."

Nikolai glanced back at Mal before continuing. "When a Firebird rises from the ashes, it is not the same. But in that rebirth, is potential. Potential for new purpose. Thanks to what Alina has done for us, we all have a chance to better the world now that the Fold is gone. And above all, you must trust. Trust in each other. In yourselves. Trust in the fact that this is the start of better days to come. And it won't be easy, of course. Nothing is.

I had hoped to end that on a more uplifting note, but here we are."

Kaz turned first, leading the crows back to the Hummingbird, letting the others speak amongst themselves.

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