𝟎𝟎𝟗 Fight Against The Saint

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

Ⅸ 𝒇𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒕

IRA RESTED AGAINST THE WALL, HER HEAD ROLLED ONTO ONE OF HER SHOULDERS. The doors slowly rolled open and the quietest of thuds echoed across the wooden floor. Inej silently dropped from the roof, making no sound. Ohval took a breath and kicked her leg back, flinging Inej across the courtyard. Jesper, Ira, and Tolya rushed to their feet as Inej tossed a duo of knives at Ohval. She simply jumped over the knives, flipping over Inej, and landing behind her.

Tolya and Jesper pulled their guns out but Ohval simply flicked her wrists and Tolya's gun was tossed aside and Jesper twisted. "Foul play," Jesper commented. Ira crossed her arms before throwing them apart, a flurry of ice shards flew at Ohval. She bent to her knees, dodging the ice. Tolya attempted to pull his hand together but Tolya and Inej's blades were pulled and tossed back at them. The others dived to the sides as Ira summoned ice to catch Tolya's sword flying for her face. "Seriously offside," Jesper shouted.

Ohval scowled at him and flung the metal piece of her headpiece at Jesper, making it wrap around his throat and causing him to choke. Elvira grabbed her bone dagger and turned to Inej. "Get Jesper," She ordered before lunging at Ohval. Ohval grabbed Ira's wrist but she simply spun around her and pushed it toward Ohval's chest. Tolya tried to pull at Ohval's heart again, but Ohval knocked her head back into Elvira's nose cracking it and pulling the dagger from her grasp. She flung it at Tolya, piercing his shoulder.

Inej ran at Ohval, punching twice but Ohval swiped her hands away. Inej kicked Ohval but she grabbed her leg and threw her hand out flinging her across the courtyard. Ohval turned but her head whipped to the side as an ice shard cut through the skin of her cheek. Elvira stood, the blood from her broken nose lifting up to follow Ira's movements. Another two blood shards flung at Ohval, one cutting her sleeve another stabbing her shoulder. Elvira dodged under one of Ohval's swipes and kicked her in the stomach. Ohval grabbed her arm and swung Ira around kicking her into a large vase.

Ira groaned wincing as the shards shifted deeper into her skin. "Ira," Jesper croaked. He grunted in pain and pulled the necklace apart, throwing it to the floor. He rushed to Elvira, pulling her to her knees.

Inej and Ohval both grabbed knives. Inej swiped at Ohval twice then knocked the knife from Inej's hands. Ohval grabbed her hands and flipped Inej, slamming her into the floor. She drove the knife closer to Inej's face, both struggling; Inej trying to hold her back.

Tolya called Ohval, something in Shu Ira couldn't understand. Then he started to plead in Kerch, "This is only about Neyar's blade, not you." Ohval answered in Shu before getting flung back at the explosion that broke down the door. Inej rolled away as Zoya and Nina rushed through the doors.

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