𝟎𝟎𝟐 Wolf Blades, Burning Buildings, Kings and Bastards

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

Ⅱ 𝒘𝒐𝒍𝒇 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔, 𝒃𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔, 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒔

TENZIN RUMAGERED AROUND A BOX OF AMMO AS ELVIRA SPUN DIFFERENT CLAW RINGS. In the dimly lit workshop, the Tenzin's domain emerges, a place where fire and steel unite in a dance of craftsmanship. An anvil stands proudly, bearing the marks of countless strikes, surrounded by a symphony of hammers, tongs, and chisels. Walls adorned with tools of the trade, shelves laden with glowing metal, and the steady roar of the forge create an atmosphere brimming with raw energy and the promise of transformation.

"Uh try this," Tenzin called tossing a set of swords her way. Elvira caught them and set one on the table as she pulled the dark blue and silver covering off the other. The slim silver curved blade, expertly crafted with meticulous precision, possessed an ethereal elegance that made Elvira run her fingernail across the blade gently. Adorned with a distinctive but simple wolf marking intricately printed on the blade's gleaming surface, it exuded an air of mystique and untamed power, hinting at the untold stories and ancient legends that surrounded its existence. 

"You had time to make this I see," Elvira said softly, sheathing the blade carefully. 

"Yeah you've been gone awhile," Tenzin said glancing over his shoulder. Elvira raised her eyebrows in agreement before she attached the knives to the holsters where she once kept the Fjerdan boar knives. "This as well." Tenzin walked to Ira and handed her a replacement claw ring.

"Thanks," Elvira said with a nod. "I'll pay whatever kruge I own when I get some money."

"Don't worry," Tenzin insisted, filling a bag with revolver ammo. "This war is gonna go on for a while and I'm going to need someone to defend me."

Elvira hummed softly. "If we were in Fjerda, you would be the one protecting me," Elvira insisted.

"I'm not Fjerdan, I'm Suli," Tenzin reminded. "Shield of care, guardian against adversity, protection guides our path. We do not believe in being above one another for simply being. You'll protect me because you're the better fighter."

"You're so insistent I'll protect you?" Tenzin smiled and said something in Suli before walking away. "Wait, Ten. What did you say?"


Elvira and Tenzin pushed open the door to the workshop, making their way to the stairs. Jesper had taken a spot on the stairs so Elvira sidestepped around him as Tenzin rested against the railings. "Ira," Wyaln called smiling as he saw her. "Um did you-"

Ira tossed a small bag at him and Wyaln smiled as he opened the small bag revealing the small pastries. The door opened again and Jesper looked up at Kaz. "So this novice is telling me that he's our new demo man," Jesper groaned.

"Wylan is not a novice," Tenzin insisted.

"Hence the reason I hired him," Kaz agreed descending the rest of the steps. 

Jesper sighed, his head rolling back. "Shouldn't you be graduating university and, I don't know, starting a desk job?" Jesper questioned, straining up to gesture with his hand. 

Kaz looked down at his pocket watch before back up the stairs as Inej walked behind a taller girl in an elegant blue dress. "You're here," Kaz said in acknowledgment.

Inej sighed softly and stopped a few steps above Jesper. "With the new Heartrender," Inej confirmed.

"Nina Zenik. At your service," The girl introduced quickly.

"Nina Zenik?" Jepser, Inej and Elvira said at once.

Nina chuckled softly and glanced between them. "Well, that's a reaction," Nina cooed as she tossed her hat aside and pulled her green coat further up her shoulders. "Is there a famous Nina Zenik that I don't know of?"

"Can I get anyone some tea?" Wylan asked. 

"I would-"

"You worked with Arken," Kaz spoke up and Tenzin leaned back against the railing with a sigh.

"It was more of a limited partnership," Nina corrected.

"Did you trust him?" Elvira asked, leaning against Wylan's desk who stood beside her.

Nina scoffed softly, "That turncoat? Not on your life. He was shadier than an oak at three bells."

"What's your price?" Kaz asked.

"I've expended the legal avenues on my problem. Every clerk in the city says the same thing. The judge will see you in six months."

"And so you're looking for the not-so-legal route on what, exactly?" Kaz questioned, looking over at Elvira who shrugged.

"I'm told you could free someone from Hellgate," Nina continued and Elvira looked up at the girl before over at Tenzin who ran a hand through his thickly curled hair. "Someone, I say as if he's anyone, and in truth, he's the love of my life," Nina spoke up when no one answered her. 

"I can't get you a release from Hellgate," Kaz said and Nina's head dropped. "But I can get you a visit. In exchange for your services."

"What do you need me for?" Nina asked, lifting her chin again.

"The aftermath. Follow me." Kaz turned and walked up the stairs, Wylan, Tenzin and Jesper quick to follow. Elvira sighed and kicked herself off the desk and rushed up the stairs after Kaz.

Elvira stepped onto the roof, closely behind the boys. She paused to hold the door open for Nina and Inej before looking out over Ketterdam's skyline. As the moon fought against the thick clouds of Ketterdams sky, a dense fog creeps over the streets and reached for the tops of builds. The towering silhouettes of buildings loom ominously, their intricate details veiled by the mysterious mist. Dimly lit windows twinkle like distant stars, barely piercing through the gloom. The atmosphere is laden with a palpable sense of mystery and tension, as if secrets are whispered between the murky alleyways, painting the city in an eerie and captivating aura of darkness.

The group walked to the edge of the roof. Kaz stood in the centre Inej and Jesper on either side of him. Elvira walked to Inej's side, standing between her and Tenzin as she pressed her hands against the cold metal-covered brick lining.

Kaz looked over the city, his eyes trained on a building Elvira couldn't pinpoint. In a low whisper, Kaz spoke, "Brick by brick." Inej barely had time to look up at Kaz and meet Elvira's weary gaze before an explosion shook the ground. The grey muggy air lit up like a forest fire as one of the buildings in the East Starve went up in flames. A shallow breath escaped Elvira as she looked over the city.

"What was that?" Tenzin asked softly, his voice quiet, even more so than normal.

"The Crow Club," Inej answered and Elvira looked down at Inej and then up at Kaz in shock.

Jesper groaned and shook his head softly, his warm breath catching the cold wind and making a small fog cloud. "I had some really nice hats in there." Jesper looked down at Wylan who instinctively looked down. "Was that yours?"

It was silent for a moment before Nina looked past Tenzin toward Kaz. "I take it we're now in the aftermath?" Nina questioned.

"This doesn't help us clear our name, Kaz," Inej pressed. "This is war with Pekka Rollins, the King of the Barrel."

"The Barrel doesn't belong to kings," Kaz hissed, turning his back and walking away. "It belongs to bastards."

❝ cold as 𝒊𝒄𝒆, sharp as a knife ❞

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