𝟎𝟎𝟕 Water Is A Weapon

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

Ⅶ 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒏

"SO HOW ARE YOU GETTING IN?" KAZ QUESTIONED. His cane clacked against the floor, the guard's uniform ducked under one arm, covered by his large overcoat.

"I will be representing Tidemakers from Kerch," Ira shrugged.

"That's all?" Kaz questioned.

Ira chuckled softly and stopped before they entered the Tavern. "It's annoying not to be told how the plans work," Ira said, tilting her head slightly. "I know what I have to do Brekker. I'll distract as many as I can, but it's not my fault if you get caught."

IT MADE HER DISGUSTED, SO MUCH THAT SHE WANTED TO VOMIT. But it's the only way she could get in. She wouldn't pass as a guard, her hair would reveal her immediately. She couldn't go as a guest, her Ravkan barley held her in a market, never a palace. So, a closed-off, intimidating Tidemaker from Ketterdam was the only way.

Ira trailed behind a Tidemaker through a side town. She was Ravkan no doubt, she walked with absolute poise and purpose. Again the urge to vomit re-surfaced. Ira swallowed the urge and took a deep breath readying herself. "Miss," Ira called in Ravkan, putting on the best accent she could manage.

The Tidemaker turned and face Ira. "Can I help you ma'am?" The Tidemaker asked with a sweet smile. She had fiery red hair and deep green eyes, and the freckles confirmed she was Kaelish.

"Um... Do you speak Kerch?" Ira stuttered, enunciating her words.

"I do," The woman confirmed.

"Thank the saints," Ira huffed, feeling her stomach swell. "I'm coming as a representative of Tidemakers in Kerch with two others. I wasn't used to the crowds and lost them." Ira started, wringing her hand in nervousness. "They have my invitation and all the money for a..." Ira paused, the Ravkan word for Kefta escaping her. Ira motioned to the Kefta on the Kaelish woman and she laughed.

"A royal Kefta?" The woman questioned with a laugh. "Come with me, I'll have everything sorted for you." The woman held her hand out and Ira grasped it. The Kaelish woman laughed and linked them at the elbows. "My name is Caragh."

"El," Ira smiled. 

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