20th Century Boy

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Part 1: Wrong Number

Song: 20th Century Boy

Artist: Girlschool (Originally by T. Rex)


"So, you're gay then."

"Well, I'm bisexual."

"Then why would they cast you as a gay character? Isn't that just perpetuating the problem of casting straight people in gay roles?"

"I'm not straight, though."

"But you aren't gay either."

My grip on the red solo cup tightened along with my smile. While I appreciated this girl's enthusiasm, she wrongly directed it at me. I agreed Hollywood needed to stop casting straight people to play gay characters, especially whenever they made them a stereotypical, flamboyant gay, but this wasn't Hollywood. It was public high school theatre.

"I don't think the teachers can ask what a student's sexuality is and then force them to come out by making them the gay character," I slowly stated. "Besides, the whole point of the scene is to represent two best friends falling in love with each other. It doesn't matter that they're gay. That's not the point."

"Still, I think they're only half ass-ing it if they won't give the role to an actual gay person," she scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest and sticking her nose in the air.

"Serafina, for fuck's sake, just shut up," the girl with long, bubblegum pink hair standing beside her groaned as she wrapped her arm around Serafina's shoulder. "It's high school. No one gives a fuck about that but you, you self-righteous bitch."

"Do I have to remind you I'm your girlfriend?" Serafina asked, smirking at the girl as she snuggled up into her arms.

"Personally, I think the play is cool," the girl said, shrugging at me. "I'm totally going to come see one of the shows. When is it?"

"It's in four weeks from now, actually."

"We'll come, and we'll enjoy it. Regardless of casting," she stated, glaring at Serafina.

"Well, thank you." Glancing behind the girls, I noticed Simon wildly waving his arms, gesturing for me to approach him. "Sorry, I think my friend is broken," I chuckled, pointing over at him. "It was nice talking to you two."

Leaving the girls and approaching Simon, I exhaled in relief as he patted my back. "I could see you seething over there. What the hell happened?"

"Just complaints about me being cast as a gay guy."

"But you're bi."

"It's... Never mind." Clamping my hand onto his shoulder, I laughed. "What the hell are you panicking over?"

Harshly turning me around, Simon pointed at a very attractive girl. A black headband pulled her auburn hair back, allowing the long strands to droop over the left shoulder of the red turtleneck sweater. Her slender legs dressed in a black and white plaid skirt and black tights, and red flats covered her feet.

I noticed her earlier in the night; the freckles coating her face being hard to miss. She continuously glanced at me throughout the night, and the more I glanced back at her, the more I found her smile to be contagious. As we stared at each other, she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, gazing back at me from under her eyelashes.

"The two of you have been staring at each other all night. When the hell are you going to go talk to her?"

"I'm sorry, that's why you wanted me to come over here?"

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