Chapter 1

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"Welcome to UA High,
the prestigious school
that's turned out
some of the world's greatest heroes.
I'm running toward
My dream in these halls.
Learning to overcome
Obstacles and save people
With a smile on my face- "

"Yeah, yeah Deku we all know this stuff"
"Uraraka?! What are you doing here?"
"Helping of course! But how about I tell them a different story...MY Story.
Hi, I'm Ochako Uraraka and this is the story of my life at one of the greatest schools in the world...UA High and our journey on how we became the greatest heroes in the world!"

First day back

Darkness. That's all there was. She looked left, right, up, and down but couldn't see anything while she just kept falling and falling into the dark abyss. She frantically tried to reach for anything.... anything at all but to no avail. She called out for help hoping someone was there, until she felt the tears start to fall. Suddenly she saw him. Standing with his arms stretched out towards her with that big boyish grin she was so fond of.


Just as fast as he appeared his face changed to that of disappointment.

"Deku what is going on?! Please help me!"

Out of nowhere the rest of her classmates appeared one by one behind him all with the same frown, but no one wanted to help. She kept crying out for help, trying to reach out for any of them as she just kept falling. "Wait!" They turned their back on her as they slowly started to laugh and walk away. "NO!"

Beep Beep beep

"Ahhh!!" Uraraka woke up startled, shaking and sweating profusely. Looking around frantically having to remember where she was. "Oh no...not again" she groaned as she looked down at her bed. "Release!" She fell back onto her mattress shaking her head.

"What a great way to start of the new school year huh Ochako?" she flipped over laying on her back just staring at the ceiling a little while longer. "Why do I keep having this dream?" She knew that with everything the previous year that her and all her classmates had gone through something hard and no one really wanted to talk about it. Some had accepted the help the school offered to meet with the new school therapist to help them through the whole ordeal. "...maybe I should too?"

Knock knock knock

"Ochako are you up yet?! Come on we don't have all day!" Uraraka groaned once more before glancing at the clock. "Oh no! No no no no". She sputtered as she jumped of the bed just as Mina walks in.

"How did I know that my bestie would need my assistance first thing in the morning hmmm?" Mina smirks while handing Uraraka everything she needs without a word.

"Thank you! You're my savior!"

"Yea yea everyone loves me, now let's go before we're late!" Mina grabs Uraraka by the arm and leads her out the door.

"I can't believe I did this again and on the first day of school! Mr. Aizawa is gonna kill us if we are late, I am so sorry Mina!" She yells as they both sprint towards the homeroom.

"Oh no worries girl it's not like it's the first time" Mina laughs. Just as they are about to reach their homeroom Uraraka suddenly crashes against the wall face first.

"Ouch!" While rubbing her nose Mina crashes behind her not noticing Uraraka had stopped making both girls fall over.

"Ouch! Ochako what gives?"

While both girls are on the floor rubbing their heads, they look up to see none other than Shinso aka the human wall. "Shinso? What are you doing here" Uraraka tilts her head to the side while he just smirks.

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