Chapter 6

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Uraraka woke up in sweat that night and panting, barely registering where she was. Looking frantically around her room she realized that it was just another dream. Granted it was the same dream she's been having for months now but at least she was in her bed this time. Taking deep slow breaths, she rubbed her cheeks feeling them damp. And realizing she had been crying in her sleep. 'This is getting worse...maybe I'll feel better talking to someone about it?' Sighing, she throws the covers off. Might as well get up early and finally try and get some morning training done. With that decided. She threw on her gym clothes and headed for the race track.

Bakugo loved waking up this early in the morning. While all his classmates were wasting their mornings still asleep, it gave him the peace and quiet he so cherished. While jogging to the gym like he always did he took a look around the race track seeing just a few other people there warming up for the day. One figure in particular caught his eye as he stops seeing the brunette turn the corner. Her hair was pulled up in a small ponytail, with some of her hair in the front falling to frame her face and her bangs plastered to her sweaty forehead. He was surprised to see her up this early knowing she was one of the ones usually still asleep.

Frowning he remembered their last conversation yesterday. Seeing her shocked and disappointed face stayed with him the rest of the day, but it wasn't as bad as seeing those eyes...those eyes that showed tears. Something inside him felt horrible, even guilty about being the cause of that. He didn't know why he felt so much anger at that moment. All he wanted was to talk about them having to be paired off and to try and make the best of the situation. He knew he wasn't happy about being teamed up and he knew she wasn't either but that quickly escalated. Remembering the way she had been acting as if he didn't even exist had just pissed him off to no end and before he knew it he just let his natural anger get the better of him.

Looking at her he took a step towards the race tracks but immediately stopped himself. Clenching his fists, he let out a low growl shaking his head. "This is ridiculous." And continued on his way towards the gym.


During class he snuck some glances at her every so often making sure no one saw. She clearly didn't want anything to do with him and he didn't blame her. If someone talked to him the way, he did he probably would've blown their face off.

All day today he kept going over whether he should apologize or not but thought better of it. If she couldn't handle it, then maybe he was right, and she would just hold him back.

Hearing Ectoplasm clear his throat. Bakugo looked up seeing their math teacher staring at him. Frustrated that he was caught by their teacher he just returned his glare back to his test.

As the day went on class 2-A found themselves in Gym Gamma all in their gym inform.

"Alright now if I could have everyones attention please!"' The former symbol of peace welcomes them with a warm smile and open arms.

"Now as Aizawa has mentioned with your current assignment, there will be times when you will be required to work with someone as a team. So, on that note I want you guys to start thinking about ways you can utilize each other's quirks together whether it be for defense or offense. You may begin."

"Oh man..." Uraraka whines slouching her shoulders this is not what she had in mind on how to end her week.

"Don't worry Ochako, I'm sure Bakugo won't be too bad ribbit." Tsu pats her shoulder reassuringly.

"Yeah, Kacchan can be quite a handful but I'm sure he knows what your capable of and won't be too bad- "

"OI ROUND-FACE!" They all flinch seeing an angry Bakugo making his way over to them.

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