Chapter 13

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AN: Hey everyone I had to split this one up into two parts since it was so long. Hope you enjoy!


"Oh...hey there Mina......didn't see ya there.... how's it going?" he said nervously rubbing his neck.

Not saying anything she just stood there lifting an eyebrow folding her arms over her chest. Without realizing it he slowly let his eyes follow her movements and down to her...'Ok Eijiro stay focused! hopefully she didn't hear anything' Immediately snapping his eyes back up he was met with a frowning Mina.

"Ok, well this was a nice talk and all, but I better be going to bed now." He tried to walk around her, but she grabbed him by the ear and dragged him down the hall. "Ouch! Hey!" 'Oh man is it bad that I think this is hot?!'

Stopping she turned to him "Alright Eijiro Kirishima spit it out."

"Spit what out?"

"You know what."

"What 'what'?"

Placing her hand on her hip she rolled her eyes. "What's going on?"

"Well, I left Bakugos room to go to my room and study for our English test tomorrow then go to sleep and then I got ambushed by you." He said lifting a finger to his chin while glancing sideways.

"Oh, cut the crap Kiri! I know you're lying!"

Looking offended he placed a hand over his heart. "Mina Ashido I would never!"

Mina not so easily convinced cocked her head to the side narrowing her eyes "Really?"

Feeling guilt wash over him, he cringed and tried his best to sound confident "r-really?" 'Why did that sound more like a question. Be manly Eijiro you can do this for your bro.' Clearing his throat he tried again making his voice deeper. "Really Mina."

"What's wrong with you voice?"

"Whatever do you mean? I always sound like this."

"Huh. Ok" Poking him on the chest with her index finger "You know I've known you for many many years Kiri and I don't recall you ever lying to me..."

Gulping down the lump in his throat he started sweating on his forehead.

"But I know you are. Because I sure as hell haven't studied for our English test tomorrow so I know there is no way in hell you plan on studying for it." She proudly smiles.

Letting go a breath he didn't know he was holding he felt relive wash over him. Showing his signature grin, he held up his hands "Shit Mina, you got me! I was just planning on sleeping after all that training we had to do."

Sighing, she just started making her way to her room. "I know what you mean. I feel like I'm going to wake up sore all over tomorrow."

"Oh cheer up I'm sure tomorrow won't be too bad."

"I certainly hope not. Have you figured out why Bakubro has been in a foul mood lately?"

"Bakugo? Why no I have not. Nuh-uh. None whatsoever. But you know...he can get cranky sometimes." He sheepishly smiles.

"Yeah, guess you're right. Just seems more than usual is all" Shaking her head she looked up at him bumping her shoulder to his "And what about you? How are you feeling?"

Looking surprised he looked down at her "Me?"


"I'm ok. Why you ask?"

Shrugging her shoulder, she just looked at him concerned. "No reason, just want to make sure you're ok. I know how much Bakugo means to you and I know how much you can worry about someone, but I want to make sure that you take care of yourself too." She smiles.

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