Chapter 36

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"Huh? Is that Kota?" Uraraka walks over trying to get a better look just as Bakugo grabs her wrist dragging her inside and hiding behind the balcony door. "Bakugo wai-"

"Shhh!" He places a finger to his lips silencing her. Listening to people talking outside she felt heat rise to her cheeks at how close Bakugo was. Unable to look him in the eyes, she tried to look anywhere else hoping he wouldn't be able to notice her blush.

Hearing Kota talk with Ema Bakugo rolled his eyes annoyed before looking back at Uraraka. Realizing how close he was he suddenly felt like it was hard for him to breathe. He felt frozen but yet he couldn't stop his eyes from lingering on her face. He could practically smell the sweet scent of her shampoo overwhelming him. Closing his eyes, he slowly lifted his right hand to touch hers hesitating when they suddenly started hearing loud talking coming from outside the door.

Bakugo immediately took a few steps back trying to keep his distance while running his hand through his hair and shaking his head trying to get rid of whatever the hell that was.

"Oh no!" Uraraka gasped while pushing herself off the wall and walking towards the door before staring at him terrified. "THE GIRLS!" She whisper yelled.

"What?! Are you fuckin kidding me right now!"

"Bakugo!" She frantically waved her hands in front of him. "If they catch you in here, we could get in serious trouble!"

"I fuckin know that ok! What do you think I want to get in fuckin trouble again?!" he glared.

"Wait, what do you mean again?"

"That's not fuckin important right now, is it?!"

"Ok...well get out then!" she started pushing him out again.

Still hearing talking coming from outside the balcony Bakugo dragged a hand across his face "I can't'!

"Why not?"

"Because in case you haven't noticed I'm trying to avoid certain people right now!"

"Ok...well than hide!"

Scoffing he crossed his arms "I'm not fuckin hiding."

"Was that Ochaco?" came Mina's voice.

Glaring at him he just rolled his eyes lifting his hands up in surrender. "Fuck! Where?"

"I don't know um...under the bed?"

Giving her a dangerous look, he shakes his finger at her "I'm not doing that."

"Bakugo!" She whispers yells feeling panic rise.

"Ochaco? Babe are you awake?" Mina says as she starts opening the door.

Growling he throws himself down while wiggling himself under.

"Yeah, just give me a second." She yells while she nudges him with her foot, as he keeps slapping it away.

"Stop kicking me dammit!"


Grinding his teeth together "Don't fuckin tell me-"

"-what to do...yeah I know." She grins "just...try and be quiet Bakugo, ok?"

"Can't believe this shit. This is so fuckin stupid." he grumbles just as the door swings open. Making her jump to her feet smiling at her friends.


"Mina, Tsu! Hi!"

"What were you doing on the floor?"

"Who me?" she scratches her head. "Nothing much just..." Looking around she picks up one of her magazines that had fallen out of her bag. "I just dropped this."

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