Chapter 8

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The next few days go by just great in her opinion. No fights, no embarrassing accidents and even her and Bakugo even managed to work fine together during class training. But it was a rather exhausting week. Her partner took his training way too seriously but, in a way, she didn't mind too much. It gave her the chance to train with one of the best students in the class and hopefully improve her skills as well. Bakugo had to be a perfectionist in all aspects of his life so naturally he wouldn't settle for less with anyone he trains with.

That didn't stop her from complaining while her and her classmates were running around the tracks outside. Panting heavily, she groans "Why are we doing this again?" wobbling and having a hard time staying in her lane.

"Because it will help strengthen your leg muscles as well as improve cardiovascular fitness and increasing the amount of work you can do therefore help build your endurance when running." Todoroki states matter of fact running a few feet ahead of them.

"Yeah ok, but why are we doing this?" Deku who's running next to her lets out a soft chuckle.

"It's to help out with our stamina and endurance Uraraka."

"I knowwww." She whines "But it's Saturday! Who wants to train on a Saturday?"

"I agree. Shouldn't we be relaxing I mean it is the weekend after all."

"See Jirou gets it!"

"A good run is always necessary when one is looking to improve and as class rep it is my duty to make sure we plan exercises such as these as future pro heroes accordingly"

'Boy Iida really needs to lighten up." She smiles at him. "Fine Iida I get it, but I can't promise you I wont pass out before the finish line."

"I have faith you will do just fine." He smiles at her like a big brother would.

After a while her run became a slow jog. 'Almost there...'

"Come on guys we can do it just one more lap!" Momo says confidently.

Everyone groans. By this time Uraraka couldn't even feel her legs, they just kept moving on their own. Her hair was plastered all over her face with sweat and she could probably guess her cheeks were even pinker than before from exhaustion. Realizing it was the last lap she could feel the tension in the air begin to rise. 'Of course, it's the last lap...this always happens.' Looking around she sees Kirishima talking with Mina towards the front before someone runs up lightly smacking him on the head.

"HAHA! EAT MY FUCKIN DUST LOSERS THERES ONLY ROOM FOR ONE WINNER! Bakugo runs backwards waving at his friend before sprinting off. Watching this Todoroki rolls his eyes and lets out a deep sigh before running off. Iida glances at the group and lifts his glasses up to his nose "See you guys at the finish line!"


Kirishima grins waving his hand behind him at the pink girl before going after his friend. All of a sudden, their little class exercise turns into a full out race for all the boys in their class with only the girls jogging behind, not interested in competing.

Slumping her shoulders Mina waves her hands in the air. "What is it with these guys always taking everything as a competition?"

Shrugging her shoulders Tsu grins "I mean we are in a hero course ribbit, so it's bound to happen."

"Yeah yeah." Mina groans

"Regardless, we are heroes in training, so this kind of attitude is sure to set the wrong example of us to the other classmen. We are representing UA after all." Momo says frustrated glaring at the boys.

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