Chapter 42

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AN: Hey I hope everyone is enjoying this story as much I enjoy writing it since it is my first one. Also I wanted to give everyone a heads up that there might be some spoilers here. So you've been warned :)


By the time it started getting dark out Uraraka was leaning against his shoulder. Listening to the rain and thunder outside he started feeling his eyes get heavy slowly closing before jolting himself awake. Glancing to his right he watched as Uraraka was fast asleep. Frowning he was torn between letting her sleep or waking her up.

Hearing her mumbling something in her sleep he felt himself slightly grinning. Reaching over to move some of the hair from her face he suddenly stopped himself. 'The fuck am I doing?' Scowling and folding his arms in front of him he looked away.

About an hour later he found himself woken up by her whimpering. Not entirely sure when he dozed off, he tried rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he looked around. Feeling her trembling he looked down to see her still fast asleep, but it was obvious that she had been crying. Grabbing her by the shoulders he gently shook her, understanding that she was probably having a bad dream. "Oi, wake up."


"Round-face wake up."

"What?" startled, she looked around panting immediately covering her face.

"It's alright it was just a dream." Bakugo said trying to catch her gaze. "Don't worry no one's here. It's just us."

Feeling tears threatening to fall she met his eyes wordlessly nodding and burying her face against his chest as she let the tears fall. Momentarily frozen in place Bakugos eyes widen in surprise as he felt himself blush. "Oi what the hell round-face?!"

"Sorry." She managed to choke out as she continued to tremble.

"For what? It was just a dream idiot." he said, still somewhat paralyzed as she continued to cling to his shirt. Taking a deep breath, he slowly lifted his shaky hands closer to her and gently embraced her hoping she couldn't hear his racing heart. "Like I said... it was just a dream.".

A few minutes went by until he could feel her relax but yet for some reason he still couldn't bring himself to let go. 'What the hell is that? I've never done this shit before so why does this feel so...?' not daring to finish that thought. He took a small glance at her, taking a shaky breath in and slowly released her grip on his shirt.

Still a bit hesitant, she tilted her head to look at him. Showing a small smile and still feeling embarrassed, wiping her eye. "Thanks."

Clearing his voice while staring at her he slowly nodded, letting her go. "We should head out while we can. The rain has stopped for now."

"Right." She said as she started getting up slightly wincing at the pain from her ankle and immediately feeling Bakugos grip on her arm to help her up.


After walking for a while Bakugo started getting frustrated by the minute until he decided to all of a sudden stop and that's how they found themselves now arguing.

"Oh, Stop being so damn stubborn!"

"I'm not."

"Just get on already!"

"Bakugo I'm perfectly capable of walking on my own!"

"The hell you are!" Still having his back turned towards her and slightly bending his knees "We don't have all fuckin day round-face so hurry up and get on before I change my damn mind."

"I'm fine."

Groaning in frustration he whips around "Look we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Meaning you either get on my back or I'll throw your ass over my shoulder like I did before but either way you're not walking when you have a fucked-up ankle! Your choice."

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