Chapter 7

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Uraraka could say she considers herself talented in some areas in her life. Some skills more than others sure. But she never considered herself to have such a great talent in infuriating a giant angry bear like Katsuki Bakugo. Why oh why did it have to be her? And why out of all the days and all the people did she have to lose her lunch all over his face?! 'How emberrasing.' And that's why she was currently hiding in the bathroom in the locker rooms.

"Ochako come out please." The girls call out to her knocking on the door.

"Yeah, it wasn't that bad ribbit."

"It really wasn't. It was freakin hilarious!" Mina was still laughing wiping tears from her eyes. "Girl you just made my day!"

Some of the girls try to hold in their laughter knowing Uraraka already felt horrible as is.

"Mina!" Momo tries to look serious at the pink girl but still can't hold the smile from forming.

"The look on his face was priceless. I really which I had my phone on me when it happened." Jirou laughs.

"You guys go on and live your life please. I'm staying here. This is where I live now." Uraraka sniffles.

"Come on girl we're not going anywhere without you. Everyone knows you didn't mean it." Mina says

"That was HORRIBLE! I can't believe I threw up on Bakugo of all people! He's going to kill me! This is so embarrassing..."

There was silence before all the girls erupted into giggles.

"Girls you're not helping!" she shouts

"Ok ok we're sorry babe. Please just come out. We won't laugh anymore, we promise. I'm sure this will all just blow over you'll see.'

Uraraka comes out knowing they have another class soon anyways so she might as well hold her head high or at least try to. "This is so humiliating." She mumbles.


In the boy's locker room, however, that's another story. There is loud laughter and yelling heard.

"Oh man oh man did that actually just happen?!" Mineta cries out hysterically.

"I stomach hurts but I can't stop laughing!" Kaminari tries to stop laughing but he can't with everyone also laughing.

"I CAN FUCKING HELP YOU WITH THAT YOU FUCKIN BASTARD! AND THAT GOES FOR ALL OF YOU ASSHOLES TOO IF YOU KEEP THAT SHIT UP!" Bakugo yells as he comes out of the showers with a towel wrapped around his waist getting ready to get dressed.

"Hey man, just chill. I'm sure Uraraka didn't mean to. You know, with her quirk that just happens sometimes." Kirishima offers with a small grin.

Today was a day Bakugo really REALLY had to try harder than usual to not blow everyone up. Once dressed he was still fuming with Kirishima maneuvering him towards the doors. Hearing more laughter erupt Bakugos eye twitches as he turns back around.


"Come on bro lets head to class." Moving his friend forward Kirishima doesn't even try hiding his grin. 'That was hilarious.'

Exiting the boy's locker rooms they come face to face with none other than the girl he least wanted to see. Bakugo just saw red at this point. Uraraka not being able to move being frozen in place, he points a finger at her emitting sparks from his left hand.

"I'm going to kill you." He starts making his way towards her but gets pulled back by his red-headed friend by the shoulder.

"Woah woah woah man just relax. Let's not do anything crazy."

"B-Bakugo-" she starts

"You're fucking dead!" He tries to make another go at her but Kirishima tightness his hold.

"Come on man chill!"

"Ok, how bout you guys go this way, and we'll just go the other way." Mina pushed Uraraka the other way making sure to separate them. "That way everything's fine."

Before leaving Uraraka turns around "Bakugo I am really sorry." And starts heading off looking over her shoulder with him flipping her off and walking away.

"Now I've really done it." She mumbles.


For the next few days Bakugo wouldn't even so much as glance at her let alone talk to her even when they had training together. He would just go and work on his quirk while she worked on hers. She still felt horrible about what happened. Usually, her quirk would give her more advance notice whenever she started to feel nauseous, but she was so focused on talking to him at the time that she didn't even notice.

Making up her mind, she was in the process of opening her door to go and apologize to him again when he was standing right in front of her door, hands in his pockets looking at her with a bored expression.

Surprised she just looks at him "Bakugo?! What are you doing here?"

"What you have a problem with me being here?!" he snaps

"N-no not at all. there something you need?"

He clicks his tongue and looks left then right shoving his hands deeper into his pocket. "I just wanted...I...I want...". He slouches his shoulders and pouts like a little child. "Whatever fuck this". He starts walking away.

"Bakugo wait!" she yells after him. He stops and glances over his shoulder.

"Look I was actually on my way to talk and apologize to you for what happened the other day. I know what I did was awful and-" He lifts up a hand to stop her from talking.

"I know."


He walks back to her door and leans against the wall looking down. "I know you didn't mean to...throw up on me..." They both flinch. "And I know you've been wanting to apologize again so I came here to tell you that you didn't have to. It's not your fault you have a shitty quirk."

'Oh wow he never changes does he'. She thought. "Ok, well I'm still sorry and I hope we can forget that this ever happened. It's kind of embarrassing." She looks away.

He just shrugs and covers his mouth a little. When she looks up, she's met with such soft crimson eyes just staring at her. It was hard to believe they were Bakugos. She's so mesmerized that she felt like they just stood there in silence for hours. He looks away and clears his throat.

"Alright see ya later round-face." And with that he starts making his way to his room. 'What was that? 'Frowning she turns around.


"Huh?" She looks back.

"Don't fuckin ever do that again." He smirks. She just sticks her tongue out at him and closes her door.

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