Chapter 61

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AN: Hey everyone hope you've enjoyed the story so far. Can't believe we're heading towards the end soon! Next update will be Wednesday. Thanks again for reading you guys are awesome!


The next morning Uraraka found herself packing in her room making sure everything was ready since she had to leave for UA soon since classes were starting tomorrow.

"So, are you all ready to go?" Mr. Uraraka said as he came and sat down next to her, observing that she only had one bag with her.

"Yes, just about." She said taking one last look around. "I figured since I'll be back soon for winter break there's really no point to bring much." She said feeling her smile slowly vanish with the worried look in his eyes. "I'll be fine. I promise."

"We know, but that's part of our job to worry about our little girl." He smiled warmly making her quickly hug him.

"Dad, you know I'm getting older." She playfully laughed.

"Not in his eyes." Mrs. Uraraka laughed by the doorway. "So did you tell her?"

"I was getting to it..." He said grinning at both women. "We know that it's still a while until Christmas and your birthday Ochaco...but we wanted to give you your gift earlier."

"My gift?" she asked looking at both her parents and smiling. "It's alright. I really don't need anything."

Her mom nodded while sitting next to her husband. "We know. But we figured it would be best to give it to you now so you can enjoy it before break.'

"Um...ok." Glancing down at the small box her dad handed her, she looked at both of them hesitantly since she was always well aware of their financial situation and always felt that instead of spending money on unnecessary things for her, they could use it for something else.

"Open it."

Hearing her mom's eager voice, she quickly opened it unable to contain the giant smile on her face. "This is..."

Hearing the doorbell, they headed downstairs while her dad picked up her bag. "I guess Hawks decided to come a little early today."

'Oh!' Halting on the stairs Urarakas eyes momentarily widened remembering she had completely forgotten to tell her parents. "Um actually-"

"Oh! Well, this is a surprise!" Mrs. Uraraka said with a smile as she opened the front door.

"Bakugo? Is everything alright at the site?" Mr. Uraraka said as he went to grab his coat with a worried frown.

"No! Everything's fine. I actually just came from there." He said looking between Uraraka and her dad shoving his now sweaty hands in his pockets at the realization of the awkward situation he was in. He should've thought this through he internally scolded himself.

"Oh? Then is there something I can help you with?" he said as he lifted a curious brow.

Feeling all the attention on him, Bakugo opened his mouth while rubbing his neck. "Well actually...I'm here for..." Pausing as he stared at the man in front of him who was slowly narrowing his eyes at him. 'Damn.' Who would've guessed that out of all the damn villains he's come in contact with, and this one man managed to freeze him on the spot.

"Yes?" Mr. Uraraka asked, giving the blond a warning look letting him know to choose his next words very very carefully.

'Holy shit this man looks like he's about to kill me right here!' Thinking back to all of his training, Bakugo started to mentally prepare himself for battle.

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