Chapter 39

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"-and by the time they found the bodies... it was already too late. She was already gone." Kota gave a wicked grin taking a glimpse at all the scared faces.

"The-then what happened? Did they ever find her?" Kaminari stuttered looking over his shoulder at the surrounding forest while slowly scooting closer to Jirou.

"No one knows what happened to her. But people swear even to this day that they hear her screams right before she kills. They even say sometimes they still see a glimpse of her ghost just... wandering these woods looking for new bodies to take back with her-"



"AHHHH! The lady of the forest strikes again!" Kaminari and Mineta shriek clutching each other while everyone jumps up screaming.

"Everyone safe yourselves!"

Scratching his neck, Kirishima sheepishly smiles as he watches everyone running away screaming. "Um yeah guys I don't think that's what that is..."

Clutching his stomach laughing Kota looks at Todoroki and Kirishima who were the only ones left standing. "Aren't you guys... supposed to be in the hero course?"

Looking at each other both boys simply shrug, looking rather amused at their friends' retreating forms.

A minute later they see an angry looking Uraraka stomping back from the forest not even making eye contact with anyone and headed straight towards the cabins. Followed by a stunned yet irritated looking Bakugo holding his cheek still staring at the fuming brunette. "The Fuck?!"

"Dude what happened to you?"

"Nothing." he growled, still rubbing his red cheek while looking around. "The hell happened here?"

"Did... you see the lady of the forest?!" Mineta asks, still holding onto Kaminari with tears in his eyes.

"Who?!" Staring at them with a confused frown he shook his head "You know what never mind don't answer that. I'm going to bed."

"Bakugo you shouldn't go alone! You never know if the lady is watching us!" Mineta cries after him.

"We should probably make sure Kota gets back to Mandalay; it is getting late." Todoroki said.

"Agreed." Kirishima looks back at the two huddled together. "You guys gonna be ok?"

"Of-of course. But just to be on the safe side let's all walk together." Kaminari nervously rubs the back of his head hurriedly standing next to them.

"Right...." Kirishima looks down at his leg at a scared Mineta who's now clutching his leg. "Get a hold of yourself dude. It was just a story."

"But it wasn't..." Mineta whispers looking around gulping "I have little legs. If something were to happen, do you honestly think I'd make it far?"

Looking over at Todoroki for help Kirishima is only met with the usual stoic looking boy who's trying to keep a straight face feeling his lip twitch.

"Um...sure I do." He grins reassuringly. "And if anything happens you know we got your back. That's the manliest thing to do."

"So, what happened to the rest of your class?" Kota chuckles.

"That's something we won't talk about." He sheepishly grins while they start walking.

"How did you come up with that story?" Todoroki asks a smug looking Kota.

"Yeah man you gotta tell me your secret that was great!"

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