Chapter 22

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A/N: Hey everyone here's another chapter I hope you'll enjoy. I'll try my best to upload another one this weekend if I can since I haven't been feeling well. I initially started this off for myself but was surprised at how many readers I got. Thank you guys so much. You guys are awesome! I have so many ideas for this story and feel free to give me your feedback. Anyways enjoy!


"What the hell?" he grumbled as he slowly made his way back towards their campsite. All this damn walk and he still had unanswered questions. What the hell was wrong with him? Why was he feeling this way? Why the hell did he feel like a fuckin idiot whenever she was around? Why does he feel his stomach do flip flops to the point of feeling sick? And the list goes on and on, and worst of the moment he felt so frustrated with himself and embarrassed over a damn swimsuit. He felt like fuckin Mineta right now. He could never once in his life recall a time where he felt like this.

He came back to the only logical conclusion "Damn round-face...this is all her fault. I was doing fine this whole damn time, but noooo she had to come and fuck it all up. Whatever the hell she did she better undo it." He mumbled to himself. Upon entering their camp site something caught his eye. The figure quickly making their way towards one of the cabins. Realizing who it was he looked around making sure no one was around. "Now I'm going to get some answers."

Making her way from the lake to the girls cabins Uraraka tried her best to remain positive. She felt so uncomfortable having to sit there and listen while some girl was drooling all over her partner. Yes, that's the reason she assured herself. Nothing else. Bakugo could date whoever he wanted and clearly, he was infatuated with this beautiful girl. As long as it didn't get in the way of their training everything was good, right? 'Then why do I keep feeling this way?'

Reaching her hand out to open the door she stopped when she saw Bakugo step in front of her making her immediately retract her hand. He didn't say anything, just had a wary look on his face.

Taking a slight step back smiling weakly "Eh hey there Bakugo." She didn't know why she was getting so nervous... maybe because he wasn't saying anything but instead just kept looking at her like he was trying to solve a hard puzzle. "Bakugo?" Clutching her things tighter to her chest she slowly made to walk around him "Well, this was a nice you don't mind."

Still keeping his eyes on her he watches as she tries to go for the door again. Frustrated, he runs a hand through his spiked hair turning to face her before she even turns the knob.

"Alright round-face spill it."

"Huh?" she looks over her shoulder noticing the exhaustion in his voice.

"Just-" he pauses raising his hands in the air trying to find the words. "Just tell me what's going on now." Letting his hands fall already feeling too tired.

Showing her signature smile she looks to her left. "I don't know what you mean."

"Really?" Giving her a dubious look, she didn't answer. Starting to get more irritated he rolls his eyes clicking his tongue. "Alright let me word that another way so you're little brain can understand me...What the hell's your damn problem?"

Blinking a few times "Um, excuse me?" She stares blankly at him.

"You heard me." he points his finger at her "You, round-face what's your deal huh?"

"My deal?" Now more confused than before "Bakugo I-"

"Yeah! Ever sense we've been partnered up you've been moody lately especially with me! So what is it?" spreading his arms out in frustration.

Frowning Uraraka takes a step back. "Well, I'm sorry that you feel that being stuck with me is such a big burden- "

"NO! Nuh-uh. Don't do that shit." He takes a step closer "I never said that. You know damn well what I mean." Watching her open then close her mouth he frowned "Did...I do something?"

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