Chapter 34

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Kneeling next to the clear water Uraraka finished getting ready for the day. Continuing to watch the small fish swimming around her fingers, she giggled.

Lost in thought, she didn't hear him walk up next to her and kneeling down staring at the water until he spoke. "Morning."

Dumbstruck she looked sideways not expecting him to be there. Already feeling awkward as it is with the small kiss she gave him now she had to add this to her list too?! Not to mention the realization of having the best sleep in a very long-time last night. After a minute of her staying silent, he watched her from the corner of his eye seeming apprehensive. Scowling, he continued staring at the small fish who happily swam around. "Sleep well?"

Still staring at him she felt her cheeks blush. "Uh yeah....and you?"

Hesitating, he opened his mouth before quickly closing it. His gaze fixed on his hands before he spoke again "Hurry up. We need to leave soon."

Thankful for the change in topic, she eagerly nodded and stood up. "Right!"

Only making it a few steps, he quickly got up and grabbed her wrist. "Oi! Hang on. What's wrong?"

"Eh? Wha-what do you mean?" She stutters yanking her wrist free smiling sheepishly "We need to start heading out soon, right? So, let's get moving!" Turning her back towards him she starts walking but stops when she hears him.

"Tch, why did you..."

Waiting for him to continue she looked over her shoulder. Bakugo was looking down, with his hair covering his face so she couldn't tell what he was thinking. "Never mind. Let's just get back. Shitty hair and raccoon eyes should have breakfast ready by now." Shoving his hands in his pockets he walked past her.

'Dammit.' What he really wanted to ask her was why the hell she ran off so quickly. But couldn't bring himself to with how obviously uncomfortable she had acted.

"Hi guys! Just in time too. Breakfast is ready." Mina said already stuffing food in her mouth as she watched Bakugo grab a plate then headed to the boys' tent, closing the flap behind him, and getting ready to leave.


"Come on guys! We've been walking around for hours..." Mina whined slouching her shoulders.

"Agreed but I'm sure it's not much longer." Kirishima grins reassuringly "Right Bakugo?" now looking sideways 'Bakubro seems awfully quiet today...I wonder what's up.'

"Shouldn't be much longer according to the GPS." He simply says looking rather distracted.

Lifting an eyebrow Kirishima simply keeps walking.

Uraraka couldn't help but feel nervous. She tried her best to pay attention to what Mina was talking about but kept spacing out and staring at Bakugo.

"-and then he said.... Ochaco are you even listening to me?!"

"huh? hahaha of course I am silly." She grins scratching the back of her head.

"Oh, really now? Ok babe what was I talking about?" Mina grins knowingly.

" were talking about...what you wanted to do when we got back to the training campsite?" she cringed looking at her.

"Hmm...lucky guess. But yes, I was."

Letting out a sigh of relief she refocused her attention on what Mina was saying.

"Everything ok today?"

Tilting her head to the side Uraraka just stared at her. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, I don't know...." Mina waved her hands in the air. "You've been really quiet today. I feel like I've been practically having a conversation with myself."

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