Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Rosé's eyes opened due to the bright sunlight coming from the window as the curtains were moved to one side . She felt warm pair of hands embracing her . She wanted to snuggle into the warmth more but remembered that she have house works today .

Rosé looked up to see Jimin sleeping . Even while sleeping his facial features were standing out making him look more handsome . Rosé was just staring at his face admiring him openly . But what she didn't knew is Jimin is already awake and was just pretending .

"Done staring baby ?" Jimin suddenly asked making Rosé startle . She blushed knowing that she got caught staring at him . "Aww don't be shy baby because I'm your husband you can stare at me all you want" Jimin said and looked at Rosé and smiled seeing her red cheeks .

Rosé knew very well that he was teasing her . "You're awake all the time ??!" Rosé asked Jimin unbelievably . Jimin didn't say anything and just nodded his head as a little smirk plastered on his lips . Rosé blushed even more and hit his arms playfully .

"Let's get up we both have slept a lot today" Rosé said and removed the blanket from her attempting to get up . "Jimin !!" She squealed when she felt a force making her lie down again . Jimin just pulled her on the bed and hugged her tightly . "Just stay like this for a few minutes" Jimin said and snuggled his face in the crook of her neck .

Rosé was stiff at first but later calmed down . She started caressing his soft silver coloured hair . They stayed like that for a few minutes then got up to get freshened up and get to work .


Rosé was making breakfast when she felt warm pair of hands wrapping around her waist . She knew it was Jimin and she was now habituated to it as he do this everytime . He just can't stay away from his wife .

"Can you set up the table ? I'll bring our breakfast" Rosé said and turned her head looking at Jimin . Jimin nodded and kissed her cheek before leaving her waist and going go their dining table . Rosé smiled at his cute gesture and she somehow felt empty when he left her waist .

The couple were now eating their breakfast . They were talking about random things while talking and were still getting to know each other . Suddenly Jimin remembered about last night . Rosé's crying face suddenly came infront of him and he stopped eating for a few second as his jaw clenched by the though of Kang Meng and his son Kang Taeil .

"Jimin.....babe.....hubby !!" Rosé continuously called him and he only got out of his thoughts by the last name . He looked at her kind of confused . "What's wrong ?? You were suddenly spacing out" Rosé asked while looking at him worriedly . "Don't worry it's nothing" Jimin said smiling at her reassuringly as he caressed her hair lovingly . Rosé didn't quite buy that but later shrugged it off .

"Oh by the way . When will be the award ceremony be held ?" Jimin asked remembering about the award ceremony wherein his wife was nominated . "It's the day after tomorrow" Rosé said and smiled at him .

"Do you have your dress ready ?" Jimin asked looking at Rosé in which she nodded her head as a 'no' . "Yeri and I were supposed to buy it today but had to cancel the plan as she won't be free in the evening , so I'll go to buy it" Rosé saud a but sadly as she don't like shopping alone . Even more after that mall incident when Jimin saved her .

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