Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


"Now let's see who will save you from us" Sowon said and laughed after slapping Rosé . Jiwoon laughed along and then they brought Rosé out from the hiding place and came to the wide place . "Hold her and cover her face" Jiwoon ordered the bodyguards .

Two bodyguards came forward and one held Rosé's hand behind her back and tied it while the other came forward to put a black cloth over her face . Just when they were doing their word two gunshots were heard and the two bodyguards were on the ground groaning while holding their hands .

"Keep your fucking hands off my wife" Jimin's cold voice was heard on the wide place and it sent shivers to everyone present there including Rosé .

Jiwoon and Sowon froze on their spots as they looked up to see Jimin standing there pointing his gun towards them . Many bodyguards including injured Felix was standing beside him .

Jiwoon and Sowon weren't prepared for this . They didn't thought Jimin would be this fast to reach them . They thought they could take Rosé away from there until his arrival but he surprised all of them .

"Sowon !! Run !!" Jiwoon shouted and started running with Sowon . Jimin's bodyguard followed them while some held their bodyguards .

Rosé's face was covered she couldn't understand what was happening . When Jiwoon and Sowon ran they bumped their shoulder on hers making her lose her balance .

She shrieked when she was about to fall because she lost balance completely as her hands were tied behind her . But instead of touching the ground she was pulled into a warm embrace .

"Are you okay ?" Jimin concernedly asked pulling Rosé in a hug . He immediately took off the black cloth off her face and Felix untied her hands .

"Madam , are you okay ?" Felix asked as soon as he was done untying the rope . Rosé didn't reply anything and just nodded her head hugging Jimin back as he too hugged her and caressed her back and hair .

"I was so scared" Rosé said breaking the hug and looking at Jimin with her teary eyes and red nose and cheeks . Jimin smiled at her softly before wiping her tears . 

"Don't worry , I'm here for you" Jimin said and Rosé again hugged him completely forgetting that Felix is also here .

Meanwhile , Felix was looking at them being so cozy . "Did they forgot I'm here ?" Felix thought in his mind and was about to go when Rosé called him .

"Felix" Rosé called breaking off from Jimin's hug but Jimin still held her waist . "Yes madam" Felix said turning around .

"Are you okay ?" Rosé asked Felix and examined her body . Felix was a bit taken aback by her question but still didn't forget to answer her .

"Yes madam . I'm okay" Felix said with a smile trying to assure Rosé but she gave him a cold look . "How are you okay ?? I can see you limping slightly and those bruises on your handsome face" Rosé berated at Felix making him shocked . But he blushed when Rosé called him handsome .

Jimin who saw this got shocked and looked at Rosé but maybe she didn't realize what she did as she was still looking at Felix . Jimin then gave Felix his cold stare making the boy to stutter .

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