Chapter 54

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Chapter 54


"Seems like Jin oppa would be the first one to know about the pregnancy among our family and friends after Lisa" Rosé said as she and Jimin entered Jin's family hospital through the VIP entrance .

Rosé is a public figure while Jimin is popular in the business world so they have to maintain their appearance .

Jimin gave a small smile and pressed a tender kiss on her temple as they entered the elevator to go to Jin's cabin and ask him about the best obstetrician here .

"Wait , shouldn't we knock first ?" Rosé stopped Jimin as he was about to enter the room . "There's no need" Jimin said and opened the door going inside with Rosé .

The moment they entered they were shocked by the sight infront of them .

Jin was sitting on the chair of his cabin while Irene was sitting on his lap and.... they were kissing . The moment the door opened both of them were surprised and quickly fixed their position .

"Bastard , ever learned to knock ?" Jin berated while fixing his shirt and coat . His ears turned red . Irene too fixed her clothes and hair . Her cheeks were tainted red .

"I didn't expect you to proceed this quickly" Jimin said smirking while Rosé was still in shock . Her cheeks too turning red .

"I'll get going now" Irene said and ran away from there with red cheeks not before greeting Jimin and Rosé .

"Why are you here ?" Jin asked annoyed . "Sorry for interrupting your time but we need help" Rosé teased with tainted cheeks but Jin was annoyed , pissed and embarrassed .

"What help ?" Jin said not looking at them .

"Who is the best obstetrician here ?" Jimin casually said in which Jin looked up so fast almost breaking his neck .

"You mean......." Jin said and looked at Rosé who only smiled shyly . "SHIT !!  FINALLY" Jin cheered clapping loudly annoying Jimin while Rosé just laughed .

"Why are you so happy ?" Jimin asked being annoyed by his hyung . "I was wondering after so long of your marriage why was Rosé not pregnant ? Were you incapable or not" Jin said and Jimin glared at him coldly .

"Just tell the obstetrician's name" Jimin coldly said instantly making Jin to be serious . "Make sure it's a female" Jimin added .


"The fetus is developing well" the female obstetrician , Dr.Jihyo said looking at the monitor .

Jimin and Rosé too looked at it and had soft smiles on their face . That thing was their child , their blood , their offspring .

"From the looks of it it has to be 6 weeks or so" Jihyo said and smiled at the couple while moving the ultrasound camera on Rosé's stomach .

After they were done with the ultrasound the couple made sure to get the pictures to announce it to their family and friends .

"Even though the fetus is developing well you have to be very careful about your health and diet . The first trimester is the time to mostly have miscarriage . I'll prescribe some vitamins so that you can eat better and some medicine to stop vomiting and nauseousness" Jihyo said as she continued to write the prescription and suggested them tips on how to take care at thus time .

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