Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


Jimin woke up as he felt cold on the other side of the bed . He opened his eyes and saw that his wife was nowhere in the room . He got up and took a robe to wear it and then made his way towards the bathroom to get ready for another day at work .

Jimin came downstairs and saw his wife making breakfast . A smile appeared on his face seeing her making breakfast for him so attentively . He then made his way towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind . Rosé knew very well it was her husband so she didn't flinch but a adoring smile appeared on her face .

"Good morning" Rosé greeted while placing a kiss on Jimin's cheek . "Good morning . Aren't you tired ?" Jimin asked nonchalantly making Rosé blush and widen her eyes at him . "A bit . Let's eat breakfast it's ready" Rosé said looking away to hide her blush and tried to get out of Jimin's grip .

"You should learn not to be shy my wifey . Only your blush is enough to make me loose control" Jimin said pulling Rosé closer to him making both their chest to crash on each other .

Jimin then smashed his lips on Rosé's into a rough kiss to express his desire for her in the kiss . Soon Rosé felt the need of oxygen so she patted Jimin's shoulder and then pulled out of the kiss breathing heavily .

"I'm addicted to your lips" Jimin whispered on Rosé's lips and pecked it a number of times . "Addiction is not good for anyone Mr.Park" Rosé said with a smile on her face . "Addiction towards you is the best thing for me Mrs.Park" Jimin said with a seductive smile plastered on his face making Rosé chuckle .

"Have any plans ?" Jimin asked Rosé as they sat down on the chair and started eating . "Have an interview along with Lisa" Rosé simply said while eating her food .

"It had not even been a day you joined hyung's company and he already gave you a schedule ?" Jimin asked and noted in his mind to play some games with Hobi for making his wife work as soon as she joined .

"It was highly requested by the public since I was seen infront of the company building . So today's interview was mainly to clear up gossips also might be because of my marriage with you" Rosé explained the whole deal with a smile and said the last words teasingly . Jimin stared at her in amusement . He knew really well that she was teasing him since his happiness can't be hidden when their marriage or them being husband and wife is mentioned .

"You seem to be getting naughty wifey" Jimin said with a smirk plastered on his face . "Well my husband taught me really well" Rosé played along with Jimin and later the both of them broke out into chuckle .

That's their undying love for each other .


"Dad" a young man dressed in suit called his father . "Oh Taeil . What brings you here ?" Mr.Kang said shocked at the fact that Taeil actually came here . Usually his younger son was the only one who came here .

"Just to look around" Taeil spoke shrugging his shoulder . Kang Meng nodded and didn't talk any further . "Dad" Taeil called again and Kang Meng looked at him sensing him being a little weird .

"What are you gonna do with Park Jimin ?" Taeil asked making Kang Meng look at him but then a smirk appeared on his face . "Make him regret for messing with me" Kang Meng confidently said while smirking .

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