Dead body

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I hear my phone ringing, I glance down and see its Stiles. I smile as i pick up. 

*on the phone*




I go to answer but he hangs up. I stand up and glance out my window and see Stiles out there waving his arms from the window of he jeep. I look down at my Pj's and sigh realizing I should change. I give stiles one last glance before giving him a thumbs up. 

Stiles POV  

I see Y/n walk away after giving my a thumbs up. I glance down at my phone to check the time 10:37. She walks out wearing ripped jeans and a black sweater with a green jacket over top. She looked amazing.

"hey Stiles" she said as she hopped in my jeep

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"hey Stiles" she said as she hopped in my jeep. "what was sooo important you had to come out here at 11 o'clock at night?" I look down at the my clock again. "It's only  10:41, and i'll tell you after we go get Scott." 

"really" she says looking outside "your going to make me wait?" I nod my head " fine but this better be worth it" 

"Oh it will be Miss Y/N. Belive me this is the coolest thing that has ever happen in Beacon hills." i say "whatever you say Mr. Stiles" she says smiling. 


Y/N pov

We get to Scott's house and Stiles calls him. When he doesn't pick up we get out and knock on his front door. Stiles knocks multiple time with no response. I turn around and start to climb up to the roof with Stiles fallowing behind me. I walk over to Scott's window just to see him walking out of the room. I go to open the window but it's locked. "Shit" I say, Stiles comes up behind me and wispers "what? whats wrong?"  I turn around and relize he's only like 3 inches away from me. My face instantly turns red. " I-I" I clear my throat and try to play it off cool "We just lost Scott." He backs away up thank god " damn it" he goes to stand up but trips and falls of the roof " STILES!"

I run to the edge and see his feet got caught in the gutter "oh thank god" I hear screaming and pop my head out from above and see Scott with a bat. When he sees me he screams. " WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" he yells " you didn't pick up your phone" Stiles says " Or answer the door." he looks at Scott's hands. " WHy do you have a bat?!?" Scott lowers his bat and says "I thought you were a predator!" I try to hold back a laugh  as Stiles says" A-Pred- wh- look I know its late but my dad just left after he got this call." he smiles "They are bringing in all the cops from the surrounding area and the state troopers."  

"for what?" I ask. Stiles starts to reach up for his feet saying. "two joggers fond a body in the woods." he drops down from the roof and i follow jumping down. "oh shit." I say."A Dead body" Scott asks. I roll my eyes. "no a body of water. yes dumb ass a dead body" Stiles climbs up on to the deck. " Like murdered" Scott asks. "or like animal attack" I ask intrigued. " No one knows yet, just that it was a girl probably in her 20's." Stiles says hands on his hips. 

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