Our song

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Before practice Stiles walks out of the locker and  comes over to me saying "so Scott apologized to Alison and it went well but her dad... Shot him with an arrow that night with the hunters." I look him "She forgave him?" Stiles makes a face " YES but HER DAD SHOT HIM"  I pause "But she forgave him."  Stiles puts his hands on my shoulders " YES BUT-" I cut him off "yea yea, he was  shot by her dad. where is Scott now" Stiles points out to the field "okay lets just watch him as see what happens." Stiles nods and we go out to the field I walk up to the bleachers, and look out at the filed my eyes trained at Scott.

Coach yells some random lacrosse stuff and the practice goes off without a hitch, but then its Scott's turn he goes flying when Jackson hits him. Scott stands up and Coach walks over he says something about his grandma to Scott. " MACALLS GONNA DO IT AGAIN MACALLS GONNA DO IT AGAIN" he yells in a sing songy voice. I get up off the bleachers and walk over to him " Coach your being kinda mean" he looks down at me and just says "watch" i sigh and look out at the field. Scott hits Jackson but it looks like something is wrong Jackson does not get up and Scott falls to the ground. I look over as Scott and Stiles run off the field. I run over "whats going on with Scott" Stiles looks at me and says "werewolf stuff he can't control it." as we run i look out and see Derek following us with his eyes. 

We run in to the locker room but Scott falls to his knees " Scott Scott you okay" Stiles asks kneeling down in front of him. I put my hand on his back "hey its going to be-" but Scott yells "GET AWAY FROM ME" Stiles grabs my arm and runs back trying to get away from Scott who's eyes have turned yellow. We get back behind lockers but Scott just jumps on top of the and howls. Stiles and I keep trying to run away but Scott just jumps from locker to locker till Stiles grabs the fire extinguisher and sprays it at Scott. We duck behind a wall and hear Scott say "guys?" Stiles  looks around the corner and sighs in relief "what happened" Scott asks. Stiles drops the the fire extinguisher. "You tried to kill us. Its like i told you before its your anger its your pulse rising. its a trigger" as he speaks he pulls off his gloves and sits down in front of Scott. I stay back still mildly worried about Scott trying to kill us 10 seconds ago. " But thats lacrosse its a pretty violent game if you haven't noticed." I look over at Scott and he looks very upset " well its going to get a lot more violent if you kill someone on the field" I say. "you can't play Saturday your going to have to get out of the game" Stiles says. "but im first line" Scott says. " not anymore" 

Time skip brought to you by Jackson's shoulder

I get a video call from Stiles. When i pick up he shoots the camera with a laser gun. "cute" I say "Listen Scott Jackson has a separated shoulder. So now all they can talk about is how the game on Saturday is 'all up to good old Scotty'" Scott dips his head he goes to say something but when he looks back up all he sees are mine and Stiles' scared faces. "what?" Stiles leans in and starts typing. 'it looks like' but then Stiles freezes "Scott behind you" I whisper yell Scott turns around and then the figure behind him moves forward grabbing him. "SCOTT" I scream. His screen freezes. "SCOTT! Stiles do you see anything!"


Scott and I were walking when he turns towards coaches office me following ebhind "I can't play in the game tomorrow" Coach looks from him to me " Y/N wait out side" I turn to him"but-" "no buts I need to talk to Scott about making stupid decisions." "fine " i say crossing my arms. 

I walk over to Stiles " Scotts talking to Coach right now to get out of the game"  Stiles rolls his eyes " so hes still playing. " I sigh "yea hes still playing" just then Scott walks over " I can't get out of the game and Alison is coming." I roll my eyes " and my mom just got off of work for this and Alison  just invited us to hang out after with Jackson and Lydia" Stiles lights up " Wait with Lydia" Scott nods. "okay you have to play"  I punch Stiles " Hey are you forgetting the whole murders rage thing." Stiles sighs "oh yea never mind your still not playing." Scott look between us " but -" "no buts" say while as I walk away. Leaving Scott and Stiles to there own devices. Bad idea.

Just kiss me already- Teen wolf x readerWhere stories live. Discover now