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After Derek was released we did out best not to be alone so I've been staying at Scott and Stiles more often. Tonight Scott said he had to do something so it just me and Stiles. " Goodnight" I say laying next to Stiles. He rolls over smiles at me. "Good night N/N." 

"STILES! Y/N! GET UP!" I open my eyes and go to sit up i look over at Stiles and see him still asleep. I get up and walk into the bathroom to change. (OUTFIT ABOVE) I walk out and pull the blanket off of stiles and he sits up " Ahhh it's cold. " I walk out of the room " I'll meet you in the Jeep." I yell back "Hey Mr. Stilinski." He looks up at me " I've got to go but tell Stiles I said good morning." I nod and he grabs his keys an walks out the door. I hear Stiles run down the stairs. " I thought you were going to be in the jeep." I shrug " I changed my mind" He nod and I pick up my bag walking towards the jeep with him. 


"So you killed her?" Stiles says as we walk in to school, after Scott explained his dream to us. "I don't know I just woke up, but I was out of breath and sweating... I've never had a dream like that." I shudder night terrors " I have" both me and Stiles say at the same time. "mine usually end very differently." Stiles smiles "gross" I mumble rolling my eyes. "A, I mean I've never had a dream thats felt so real and B, Never give me that much detail about you in bed again." Stiles nods "noted. Let me take a guess here though" Scott sighs " I know you think it has something to do with me going out with Alison tomorrow like im going to lose control and rip her throat out." Stiles shakes his head "No of course not. Yeah thats totally it. hey come on its going to be fine. Its not like there is a lycantropy for beginners class you can take." I shake my head. "Well thats not fully true i mean there is someone you can talk to." Scott and Stiles turn to me "Who Derek?" Scott nods " Yeah..." Stiles hits the back of Scotts head " Did you forget the part where we got him thrown in jail." Scott sighs " Yeah I know but chasing her dragging her to the back of the bus it felt so real" the three of us walk towards the back door of the school. " How real?" Stiles asks "Like it actually happened." we walk out the doors and see a bus covered in blood and the door practically ripped off its hinges. "Scott.." I trail off "i think it did" Stiles says glancing between me and Scott. I turn to Scott "call her now." We start running through the halls while Scott is panicking. " she's  not picking up"  I look around and feel the panic creep up my spine if we don't find Alison then that means Scott probably killed her. the Richards will kick me out if im associated with a murderer. and Scott will be a Murderer. Scott slams a locker with his fist and yells. I look at Stiles " lets go cover more ground okay." We turn and walk around the school "Y/N!" I hear a familiar voice yell. "shit... Run " I grab Stiles' arm and we run through the halls and I inventively turn and pull Stiles into a empty classroom. I pull him down below the little door window. "why are we hiding" Stiles asks "Y/N- why ar-" I put my fingers to my lips "Shhhh. " i pause "okay i think we are good" I turn to Stiles and realize we are barely 3 inches apart i feel the blood rush up to my face. I back up quickly. " Sorry I- I owe Mr. Harris about 3 essays and a few homework. If he catches me I have like 4 weeks detention. I've managed to skip out on his class for the last 3 classes but I can't risk it. Sorry i dragged you out here." He stands up " your good. Hey look" He points out the window and we see Alison and Scott. "Oh thank god. If Scott killed her he would never forgive himself." he smiles at me and the we hear "attention students, I know your all wondering about the incidences that happens to one of our buses. While the police investigation continues classes will continue as scheduled." I laugh, "they find a bus completely obliterated and they think 'oh its probably fine' our school has no regard for our safety" i say with mild sarcasm.  Stiles smiles over at me. "i hate to say this but this class room is about to have a class in it so we kinda have to leave now." I nod "yeah your right. see you in chemistry." he waves and i walk away.

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A/N- sorry for the short chapter but i have midterms and very little time. 

After midterms I will have longer and better chapters. 


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