Bullet in your head

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Air fryers were invented in 2006

I step out of the apartment building my key in hand, just in time to see Stiles' car speeding around the corner. "Get in," Scott urges, and I quickly hop into the backseat as Stiles accelerates. "Why the rush?" I inquire. "Jackson's trapped by Argent," Scott informs me. "What?!" I exclaim, and Stiles nods grimly. "Why aren't you still at the Richards' place?" Stiles asks, concerned. I look out the window, gathering my thoughts. "Maria showed up last night. They decided to move me," I begin, recounting the events of the previous night, including the unexpected visit from Derek and what he had revealed. "So you're staying with him?!?"

Stiles takes the corner sharply, and I fill them in as we drive. "No, I'm not staying with Derek. He wasn't there, and I don't know where he lives, but he's not in that apartment." Both Scott and Stiles nod in understanding. We pull up alongside Jackson's car, and Stiles rolls down the window. "What's going on?" I glance at both Jackson and Argent. "Is everything alright?" Argent nods and reassures, "Just car trouble. We're checking it out." Scott suggests, "There's a repair shop just down the street. They might have a tow truck." Stiles chimes in, "Yeah, need a ride?" Jackson hesitates, and Stiles adds, "Come on, Jackson, your too pretty to be out her alone." As Jackson approaches the car, I open the door. He's almost at the car when Argent calls out, "Hey." He gets the car started and grins, "Told you I know a thing or two about cars," then he walks to his car and drives off.

With Argent out of sight, Jackson turns towards us, a mix of confusion and annoyance on his face. "What, are you guys following me now?" Scott doesn't hold back, expressing his frustration, "Yes, you stupid freaking idiot! You almost gave away everything, right there!" Jackson shakes his head in disbelief, "What the hell are you talking about?" Scott's anger is evident, "He thinks you're the second Beta, Jackson!" In his frustration, he even hits Stiles' Jeep, prompting Stiles to protest, "Dude, my Jeep..."

Scott continues, "I can hear your heartbeat from a mile away, literally! Now he thinks that there's something wrong, and now I have to keep an eye on you so he doesn't kill you, too!" Another hit on the Jeep, and Stiles adds, "Okay, maybe we should step away from the Jeep, just in case..." However, none of us move.

Jackson shifts his gaze back and forth between us, frustration etched on his face. "This is your problem, not mine, okay? I didn't say a damn thing, which means it's you three who are putting me in danger. Got it? This is on you!" He vents his frustration by pushing Scott against the Jeep.

Stiles lets out a groan. "Seriously, can we stop hitting my jeep?" Concerned, I step in front of Scott, addressing Jackson directly. "It's not just our 'problem,' Jackson. If you're not careful, you're gonna end up with a bullet in your head."

"When they come after you, I won't be able to protect you. I can't protect anyone," Scott looks at Stiles and me. Stiles chimes in, "Why are you looking at me?" He then turns to Jackson. "You know, now you have to do it. Get me what I want, and I will be fine protecting myself." Jackson says.

"No, you won't! Just trust me—all it does is make things worse," Scott says with urgency. Jackson smirks sarcastically, "Oh, yeah, really? You can hear anything you want and run faster than humanly possible. Sounds like a real hardship, McCall."

Scott's frustration is evident. "Yeah, I can run really fast now, except half the time, I'm running away from people trying to kill me! And I can hear things, like—like my girlfriend telling people she doesn't trust me anymore, right before breaking up with me. I'm not lying to you! It ruins your life."

Jackson's smile is smug. "It ruined your life. You had all the power in the world, and you didn't know what to do with it. Do you know what it's actually like? It's like you turned sixteen, and someone bought you a Porsche when they should have started you out with a nice little Honda. Me? I drive a Porsche." With those words, he strides over to his car, gets in, and speeds away. "How long until his Porsche crashes and burns?" I say.

Scott checks his phone. "I have to go do something; I'll catch up with you all later." I nod and head towards my apartment, while Stiles heads home in his jeep. After walking for about an hour, I hear a familiar voice behind me.

"Hey!" I turn and spot Stiles' jeep pulling up. "Hey, what's up?" He stops the jeep. "Need a lift?" I nod appreciatively and hop in. We cruise through town before arriving at the apartment complex. "You wanna come in?" I ask, and he agrees. We make our way through the building. "I'm on the third floor," I mention, pulling him down the hallway to my place. 

I take a seat on the couch. "Want a quick tour?" Stiles smiles, and I lead him around the apartment. "Couch, table, TV... Whoa, look, there's an air fryer. Cool!" 

I glance back at Stiles, and he's looking at me with a sweet smile. My cheeks flush, and I quickly stand up. "Well, that's the kitchen." I head up the stairs, with Stiles closely following. "This is the bedroom, and there's a bathroom through that door." Stiles playfully flops onto the bed. "I could live in this bed," he quips. I laugh and lay down beside him.

Stiles pov- just for a minute.....

"I'm going to hell," I mutter. Y/n glances at me, questioning. "Why?" I groan, "I'm a horrible son." She rolls her eyes. "Stiles you're a great son. Noah loves you." I glance at her "I got my dad drunk." Her expression shifts to confusion. "How- Wha-" She shakes her head. "No, you know what? That changes nothing. You're still a good person and a good son... who occasionally does some weird as fuck stuff." I manage a small smile. "Thanks, Y/n." She grins back at me. "Anytime." Just then, Y/n's phone rings, and she answers it, listening intently before hanging up. "That was Scott. We have to go help Melissa," she tells me, grabbing my hand and guiding me out of the apartment building. "Wait, what? why did he call you first?" I ask, trying to make sense of the urgency. She glances back at me with a concerned look. "That's what you want to know?" I nod "I don't know, Stiles. But we need to go. Now." She pulls me towards the jeep, and we both hop in. "DRIVE," she instructs. I hit the gas and drive off.

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